Tuesday, 12-Dec-2000 10:38:37 EST
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Setting up the i810 in Linux under Xfree86 3.3.6
Written By: vvx

These directions assume you are doing everything as root, this will not work as a user.

Okay, first off you need Xfree86 3.3.6 (obviously), glibc 2.1, a 2.2.x kernel, and gcc..

Now, you want to grab the agpgart.o driver off intel's site at I used the source rpm, thus my instructions require that.

Install that by doing a:

rpm -i /path/to/I810Gtt-0.2-4.src.rpm

it should leave a I810Gtt-0.2.tar.gz somewhere.. Do a tar zxf of that file somewhere, such as /tmp.. To do it in /tmp,

cd /tmp
tar xvf /path/to/I810Gtt-0.2.tar.gz

That would give you the files agpgart.c, agpgart.h testgart.c README, and Makefile in /tmp. To make the module, you should be able to just type make. If that fails, you are probably missing something like a compiler or libraries.

This should produce an agpgart.o module. Copy that to /lib/modules/KERNEL-VERSION/misc/ where KERNEL-VERSION is your kernel version (2.2.12 in my case.), so I did this.

cp agpgart.o /lib/modules/2.2.12/misc/

Now, you need to mknod a device for this.., so issue this command.

mknod /dev/agpgart c 10 175

Now you can load the module, so do a:

insmod agpgart

Now, that should go without a problem..

Now, setup your card in your favorite X config utility, or if you're brave edit the XF86Config file by hand, but I'm not going to tell you how to do that one. :) I used XF86Setup. Under Card, I chose "Detailed Setup" and selected the svga server. continue to configure everything else such as monitor, keyboard, mouse, and ofcourse mode selection (What mode you want to run in.) I chose 1024x768 with 24bpp, however that's open to personal choice.. Save that, and hopefully it will work. If when X comes up, it's all screwed up, your monitor settings probably are incorrect. Just play around with it a bit, try lower values. You can setup your X settings any other way you want to, the important thing is that you choose the svga server.

Making the module load automatically. You probably don't want to have to insmod the agpgart module everytime you reboot, so here is what you would do to make it load automatically. Assuming your distro uses a /etc/conf.modules (or /etc/modules.conf) file, add a line in it that says:

insmod agpgart

An easy way to do this is to issue the command

echo insmod agpgart >> /etc/modules.conf

Or, if your system has /etc/conf.modules and not modules.conf,

echo insmod agpgart >> /etc/conf.modules

That's it, it should work unless you are terribly unlucky.

Note: If your distribution doesn't support rpm's, you can use "alien" to convert the rpm. I used alien on Debian to convert it to a .deb. If you are installing on debian, ignore the section on getting the module to load on bootup. Instead, just add a line with "agpgart" in it to your /etc/modules file.

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