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Sound Card Installation for CMI8330

Okaaayyyy... after days of headaches from doing EXACTLY as the docs instruct, I gave up, and started monkeying around to get my CMI8330 plug and pray sound card working under Slackware Linux 7. Guess what? None of the docs have ALL the instructions needed!

Here are instructions that actually work. (you have to be logged in as "root" for this to work)

First, you need to know all your sound card's Addresses, IRQs, and DMAs. To find these, from W95, go into Device manager ("system" icon under Control Panel), and open the "properties" tab for each device listed under your sound card. Write it all down, and guard it with your life, or at least until Linux is making noises.

This involves editing a few files, so you might want to do this through X-Windows, if you can. The X text editors are a lot easier to use, too.

The first file to edit is "/etc/isapnp.conf". Add the following snip at the end of it (make sure there's only one "waitforkey" line, though). If the file doesn't exist, don't worry - you can paste this into a blank text document, and save it. Replace the IRQs, DMAs, and Addresses shown here with the ones that match your sound card.

# sample /etc/isapnp.conf
# Linux will ignore any lines with a # in them
(READPORT 0x0203)


(CONFIGURE CMI0001/16777472 (LD 0
(IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x0530))
(IO 1 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x0388))
(INT 0 (IRQ 10 (MODE +E)))
(NAME "CMI0001/16777472[0]{CMI8330/C3D Audio Adapter}")


(CONFIGURE CMI0001/16777472 (LD 1
(IO 0 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0330))
(INT 0 (IRQ 11 (MODE +E)))
(NAME "CMI0001/16777472[1]{CMI8330/C3D Audio Adapter}")

# Joystick

(CONFIGURE CMI0001/16777472 (LD 2
(IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x0200))
(NAME "CMI0001/16777472[2]{CMI8330/C3D Audio Adapter}")

# SoundBlaster

(CONFIGURE CMI0001/16777472 (LD 3
(IO 0 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))
(INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
(NAME "CMI0001/16777472[3]{CMI8330/C3D Audio Adapter}")


Now you've got to get the drivers loaded, so the next file to edit is "/etc/rc.d/rc.modules". About 1/4 distance down the file, there is a section with this heading:
### Sound support ###

In here, you'll want to insert these lines, replacing the IOs, IRQ's, and DMA's with your own.

modprobe ad1848 io=0x530 irq=10 dma=3 soundpro=1
modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5
modprobe opl3 io=0x388
modprobe mpu401 io=0x330 irq=9

After that's all done and the files are saved, exit X-Windows and type :
"isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf"
This tells Linux that your soundcard exists, and where it is. You should get an "OK" for each line you put in. If you don't, double check to make sure all the lines are there and no characters have got messed up.

If you don't have isapnp (command not found, or something along those lines), you'll have to install it before this will work.

After that's done, cross your fingers and reboot Linux. While it's booting, you should see some lines fairly similar to when you ran isapnp, and after the message "updating module dependencies..." you should see all your modules (drivers) being loaded. If it scrolls by too quickly to see any possible errors, will let you scroll back and see them. If there were errors, double check the rc.d file again.

If there are no errors, you are ready to test it out. You'll need a .wav or .au file. At the command prompt, type "play" or "esdplay".

If you need any clarification, feel free to email me at

We would like to hear your feedback.


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