
After installing Security Onion, double-click the Setup icon on the desktop (or run sudo sosetup from a terminal) to configure your system. In most cases, you’ll run Setup to do network configuration, reboot, and then run Setup again for service configuration.


sosetup-minimal configures Security Onion to run using minimal resources. It will run Setup and then do the following:

  • stop and disable elastalert
  • stop and disable freqserver
  • stop and disable domainstats
  • set Elasticsearch to a 400MB heap size
  • set Logstash to LOGSTASH_MINIMAL mode and set a 200MB heap size

Automating Setup

You can automate the Setup process using sosetup.conf.

Starting from scratch

There are a few example files in /usr/share/securityonion/. Copy one of these example files to your home directory:

cp /usr/share/securityonion/sosetup.conf ~

Edit your new sosetup.conf using nano or your favorite text editor:

nano ~/sosetup.conf

Then run Setup with the -f switch and the path to this file:

sudo sosetup -f ~/sosetup.conf

sosetup -w

sosetup also supports a -w switch that allows you to answer the standard Setup questions and have it write out your custom sosetup.conf. For example:

# Configure sosetup to write out a new configuration file called sosetup.conf
sosetup -w ~/sosetup.conf

# Answer all questions in Setup

# Run sosetup with the new configuration file
sudo sosetup -f ~/sosetup.conf