
Snort is a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). It sniffs network traffic and generates IDS alerts.


In Security Onion, we compile Snort with PF-RING to allow you to spin up multiple instances to handle more traffic.


You can configure Snort via /etc/nsm/HOSTNAME-INTERFACE/snort.conf (where HOSTNAME is your actual hostname and INTERFACE is your actual sniffing interface).

If you would like to configure/manage IDS rules, please see the Rules and ManagingAlerts sections.


If you need to troubleshoot Snort, check the Snort log file(s) /var/log/nsm/HOSTNAME-INTERFACE/snortu-X.log (where HOSTNAME is your actual hostname, INTERFACE is your actual sniffing interface, and X represents the number of PF-RING instances).

More Information

For more information about Snort, please see