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Port Reference


Using Samba


[ A ], 
[ B ], 
[ C ], 
[ D ], 
[ E ], 
[ F ], 
[ G ], 
[ H ], 
[ I ], 
[ J ], 
[ K ], 
[ L ], 
[ M ], 
[ N ], 
[ O ], 
[ P ], 
[ Q ], 
[ R ], 
[ S ], 
[ T ], 
[ U ], 
[ V ], 
[ W ], 
[ Y ], 

<> (angled brackets), 14
* (asterisk), 169
\ (backslash) in smb.conf file, 85
\\ (backslashes, two) in directories, 5
: (colon), 6
\ (continuation character), 85
. (dot), 128, 134
# (hash mark), 85
% (percent sign), 86
. (period), 128
? (question mark), 135
; (semicolon), 85
/ (slash character), 129, 134-135
/ (slash) in shares, 116
_ (underscore) 116
* wildcard, 177

A[ Top ]
access-control options (shares), 160-162
accessing Samba server, 61
accounts, 51-53
active connections, option for, 244
addresses, networking option for, 106
addtosmbpass executable, 176
admin users option, 161
AFS files, support for, 35
      multiple, 29
      for NetBIOS names, 107
alid users option, 161
announce as option, 123
announce version option, 123
API (application programming interface), 9
archive files, 137
authentication, 19, 164-171
      mechanisms for, 35
      NT domain, 170
      share-level option for, 192
auto services option, 124
automounter, support for, 35
awk script, 176

B[ Top ]
backup browsers
      local master browser, 22
      per local master browser, 23
      maximum number per workgroup, 22
backup domain controllers (BDCs), 20
backups, with smbtar program, 245-248
backwards compatibility
      elections and, 23
      for filenames, 143
      Windows domains and, 20
base directory, 40
.BAT scripts, 192
BDCs (backup domain controllers), 20
binary vs. source files, 32
bind interfaces only option, 106
bindings, 71
Bindings tab, 60
blocking locks option, 152
b-node, 13
boolean type, 90
bottlenecks, 320-328
      reducing, 321-326
      types of, 320
broadcast addresses, troubleshooting, 289
broadcast registration, 13
broadcast resolution, 13, 59
      troubleshooting with tcpdump utility, 255
      (see also browsing; name resolution)
browse lists, 21, 116
      options for, 124, 127
      propagation, 24
      restricting shares from, 115
browsing, 21-23, 114-127
      client-side, testing with net view, 280
      configuration options for, 122-127
      elections, 23, 116-119
      machines, list of, 21
      options for, list of, 122
      preventing, 115
      resources of a specific machine, 21-23
      server from client, 281
      troubleshooting, 275-282
            with smbclient, 276-278
bug avoidance options, 240-245
      list of, 240-241

C[ Top ]
cache size, new option for (Samba version 2.0), 239
cache time (printers), option for, 220
capitalization, 84
Carnegie Mellon University, 35
carriage-returns for scripts, 193
case sensitivity
      hostnames and, 5
      options for, 146
      usernames and, 163
CD-ROM with this book
      Samba distribution, 28, 32
      testing tools, 28
certificate authority, 300-303
change notification, new option for (Samba version 2.0), 239
change notify timeout option, 239
Change Windows Password dialog box, 52
changes at runtime, 85
chat characters for passwords, 178
CIFS (Common Internet File System), 3
      (see also SMB/CIFS protocol)
client code page option, 234
client users (see users)
client variables, 86
clients, testing with nmblookup program, 279
.CMD scripts, 192
code pages, 234
      multiple, 30
coding system option, 235
command string, SMB, 75
commands for Samba, 366-377
commas in values, 84
comment option, 99
comments in smb.conf (Samba configuration) file, 85
compatibility, Samba with Windows NT, 30
compilers, 33
compiling Samba, 38-41
      in version 2.0, 29
config file option, 91
configuration files
      for individual clients, 253
      machine-specific, 87
      sample of, 379-383
      smb.conf (Samba configuration) file (see smb.conf file)
configuration options
      browsing, 122-127
      disk share, 97-100
      format of, 83
      list of, 329-356
      server, 94-96
configuring disk shares, 96-100
configuring DNS (Windows NT), 68
configuring Samba, 34-38
      configuration file
            creating, 41-45
            testing, 45
            (see also smb.conf (Samba configuration) file)
      configure script
            GNU, 34
            sample execution, 38
      options, 34-37
      performance tuning, 312-328
            benchmark for, 312, 314
            other options for, 319-328
      server, 93-96
      with SSL, 295-311
            requirements for, 296
configuring TCP/IP networking protocol, 55, 66-71
configuring Windows clients, 50-81
      Windows 95/98 computers, 50-63
      Windows NT 4.0 computers, 63-73
            basic configuration, 63-67
configuring WINS address, 70
connected systems, status of, 9
      active, option for, 244
      current, list of, 370
      resources, connecting to, 81
      scripts for, 198
      SMB, 77
      testing, 259-263
      virtual, 78
copy option, 92
creation masks, 138
      option for, 140
cryptography, private key, 35
CVS (Concurrent Versions Systems), 378
Cyclic Software, 378

D[ Top ]
daemons, 82, 359-362
      killing, 48
      messages generated by, reading, 8
      stand-alone, 47
      starting, 46-48
      status report, 8
      testing, 49
            with testparm, 266
      troubleshooting, 264-268
      Unix, 2
      viewing, 8
      (see also smbd daemon; nmbd daemon)
data transfer protocol, 6
datagram service, 10, 16-18
deadtime option, 241
debug files, 49
debug level option, 251, 314
debug timestamp option, 112
default case option, 146
default services, 115
      option for, 124
defending hostnames, 12
delays, troubleshooting, 287
delete, 142
delete readonly option, 139, 142
delete veto files option, 135
dfree command option, 241
DFS, support for, 35
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 57, 67
dialup connection, 53
Digital Pathworks clients, option for, 244
      barring users from viewing contents, 130, 133
      installation, 40
      permissions, options for, 140
      for Samba startup file, 363
      target, 40
      working, option for, 134
directory mask option, 138, 141
disabling/enabling features, 34
discussion archives for Samba, 293
disk quotas, support for, 37
disk shares, 4-7, 49, 82-113
      advanced, 114-154
      configuring, 96-100
      creating, 96
      maximum size of, option for, 242
      path option, 98
disk sync, options for, 245
DMB (domain master browser), 119-122
      option for, 126
      resource type, 24
DNS Configuration tab, 57
DNS (Domain Name System), 57
      configuring, 68
      as fallback for WINS address, 71
            NetBIOS names and, 14
            resource types and, 15
      option for, 228
      resources for further information, 293
      tab, 68
dns proxy option, 228
docs directory, 34
      test utilities, 254
documentation for Samba, 291
      importance of reading, 34
domain controllers, 20, 169
      for Windows 95/98, 18-20
domain group map option, 191
domain logons, 28, 184
      configuring Windows 95/98 for, 188
      configuring Windows NT 4.0 for, 189
      scripts for, 192-200
domain logons option, 190
domain master browser (see DMB)
domain master option, 126
Domain Name System (see DNS)
domain user map option, 191
domain-level security, 164, 169-171
domains, 18-20
      adding Samba server to Windows NT domain, 171
      behavior vs. Windows workgroups, 20
      controllers (see domain controllers)
      logons (see domain logons)
      new option for password timeout (Samba version 2.0), 239
      roles in assumed by Samba, 26
      Windows, 18, 28, 184-192
            authentication, 170
            caution when selecting, 190
            support for, 28
dont descend option, 133
DOS file permissions and attributes, 135-143
DOS-formatted carriage returns, 193
      Samba, 32
            obtained using CVS, 378
      tcpdump utility, 78, 257
drive letters, mapping, 5
dynamically linked libraries, 33

E[ Top ]
elections, 23
      operating system values in, 117
      order of decisions in, 118
      role settings in, 117
      WINS servers and, 26
enabling/disabling features, 34
encrypt passwords option, 181
encrypted passwords, 172
      Microsoft format, 183
      option for, 181
      vs. plaintext passwords, 173
Entire Network icon, 4
enumerated lists, 91
      searching for, 38
      syntax, 45
/etc/hosts file, 57, 60
/etc/inetd.conf configuration files, 48
      adding SWAT tool to, 41
/etc/resolv.conf file, 57
/etc/services configuration file, adding SWAT tool to, 41, 48
Ethernet adaptor cards, 53, 70
      linking to TCP/IP networking protocol, 55
execute permissions, 47
/export/samba/test directory, 42

F[ Top ]
fake directory create times option, 232
fake oplocks option, 153
FAQ, Samba, 291
fast locking, 36
fatal error, option for, 244
fault tree, 257-291
      how to use, 257
"File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks", 53, 60, 246
file creation masks, 138
      8.3 format, 143
      limitations on, 143
      representing/resolving, 145
      Unix, option for, 245
      archive, 137
      attributes, 135-143
      deleting, option for, 129
      hidden, 128, 136
            options for, 134
      open, option for maximum number of, 243
      permissions, 135-143
            options for, 140
      read-only, 136
            deleting, 139, 142
      system, 136
      in use, status of, 9
      veto, 129-131
            option for deleting, 135
      differences between, 127-131
      links and, 130
      options for, 132-135
      reporting on by Samba, option for, 242
      (see also files)
fixed user configuration, 196
flat namespaces, 14, 25
follow symlinks option, 133
force create mode option, 141
force directory mode option, 141
force group option, 139, 141
force user option, 139, 141
foreign-language characters, 234-236
free space on disk, option for, 241
fstype option, 242
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 6
      sites for Samba downloads, 32

G[ Top ]
gateway field, 68
getwd cache option, 134, 320
global options, 90
[globals] section, 88
GNU autoconf, 29
GNU configure script, 34
GNU General Public License (GPL), 3, 378
groups, 155-158
      administrative privileges for, 159
      names and types of, 15
guest, 162
guest access, 159-162
guest account option, 162
guest ok option, 98
guest only option, 162

H[ Top ]
hangup (HUP) signal, 48
header, SMB, 74
Hexidecimal byte value
      for NetBIOS group resource types, 16
      for NetBIOS unique resource types, 15
hidden files, 128, 136
      options for, 134, 142, 319
h-node, 13
home directory, user's, 36, 155
      logon script option for location of, 198
homedir map option, 200
[homes] share, 89, 157
hort preserve case option, 147
      case sensitivity and, 5
            long/short, 286
            lookup, 284
      files (Windows 95/98), 59
      files (Windows NT computers), 71
      networking option for connections, 101, 103, 105
      subnets and, caution with, 102
hosts allow option, 103
hosts deny option, 105
hosts equiv option, 184
how-tos, fault tree, 257-291
http, 6
HUP (hangup) signal, 48

I[ Top ]
Identification Changes dialog box (Windows NT), 63
Identification tab, 60
implementations, Microsoft, 18-27
include option, 92
inetd daemon, starting other daemons from, 48
installing Samba, 31-49
      common problems, 34
      installation directories, 40
      steps in, 31
            final, 41
      time required, 31
installing TCP/IP protocol, 65
installing Workstation service, 65
interfaces, networking options for, 102
interfaces option, 105
internationalization, 234-236
invalid users option, 161
IP address, 288-290
      setting for Windows NT computers, 67
IP Address tab
      Windows 95/98, 57
      Windows NT, 67
IP packet size, tuning, 316

J[ Top ]
Jacobson, Van, 255

K[ Top ]
keep-alive packets, option for, 242
Kerberos, support for, 35
kernel oplocks option, 153

L[ Top ]
languages, non-European, 30
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
      replacement for password synchronization, 179
      support for, 36
ldd tool, 33
legal agreements covering multi-user functionality, 6
Leres, Craig, 255
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (see LDAP)
line continuation, 85
links, 130
      option for, 133
      installing Samba on Linux system, 31
      submount and, 36
lm announce option, 125
lm interval option, 125
LMHOSTS file, 224
load printers option, 222
local group map option, 192
local master browser, 21, 116-122
      checking machines for, 118
      option for, 125
local master option, 125
local profiles, 194
      address, 69
      troubleshooting, 288
localization, 234-236
lock directory option, 154
locking option, 152
locks/locking files, 9, 149-154
      messaging option for, 237
      opportunistic locking, 29
            tuning of, 316
            (see also oplocks)
      options for, 151-154
      Unix and, 150
log files/logging
      activating/deactivating, 253
      checking, 108-113
      configuration options, 108-113
      in for the first time (Samba), 52
      levels of
            setting, 251-253
            tuning, 314
      options for, 199
      troubleshooting, 282
      troubleshooting from, 251-254
log level option, 112, 251, 314
login dialog box, domain logons
      Windows 95/98, 188
      Windows NT, 190
login parameters, setting, 79
logon drive option, 197
logon home option, 198
logon path option, 197
logon script option, 197
logon scripts, 192-200
      options for, 196-198
logons (see domain logons)
lppause command option, 221
lpq cache time option, 220, 319
lpq command option, 221
lpresume command option, 221
lprm command option, 221

M[ Top ]
machine name, types, 15
machine password timeout option, 239
magic output option, 233
magic script option, 233
magic scripts, 233
mailing lists
      posting to, 39
      for Samba, 292
main tree, 40
makefiles, 33-34
mandatory profiles, 196
mangle case option, 148
mangled map option, 148
mangled names option, 147
mangled stack option, 148
mangling char option, 148
map archive option, 142
map hidden option, 142
Map Network Drive option, 5, 62
map system option, 142
      files, options for location of, 191
      network drives, 5
      creation, 138
      netmasks, 57
      subnet, 57, 67
      umasks, 138
master browsers (see local master browser; DMB; preferred master browser)
max connections option, 161
max disk size option, 242
max log size option, 112
max mux option, 243
max open files option, 243
max ttl option, 229
max wins ttl option, 229
max xmit option, 243, 317
Maximum Transport Unit (MTU), 316
McCanne, Steven, 255
measurement forms, 326
memory, status of, 9
message command option, 238
      from daemons, reading, 8
      WinPopup, 237
Microsoft, 3
      encryption, 30
      implementations, 18-27
Microsoft Networking Client, 65
min print space option, 223
min wins ttl option, 229
mirror sites for Samba distribution, 28
MIT, 35
mmap code, 36
m-node, 13
modem, linking to TCP/IP networking protocol, 55
MTU (Maximum Transport Unit), 316
multiple code pages, 30
multiple subnets, 120
multi-user functionality, legal agreements and, 6
My Computer (Windows 95/98), 51

N[ Top ]
name mangling, 143-149
      options for, 145-149
      steps in, 143
name registration, 10
name resolution, 11, 60, 224-229
      options for, 227-229
name resolve order option, 229
name services, 10
      identifying what is in use, 283
      nmblookup program, 372
      testing, 258
      troubleshooting, 282-288
      machine name, types, 15
      machines on NetBIOS network, 10-13
      NT computers, 63
            caution with, 64
      TCP/IP networking protocol, setting machine name for, 60
NBNS (see NetBIOS, name server)
NBT standard, 10
NBTSTAT utility, 15
Netatalk (Macintosh), support for interoperating with, 37
NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended User Interface), 10, 53
      Windows NT computers and, 65
netbios aliases option, 107
NetBIOS name, 14-16
      option for aliases, 107
            Windows 95/98, 61
            Windows NT, 63
      troubleshooting, 290
netbios name option, 95
NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System), 9
      compared with TCP/IP, 10
      Extended User Interface (see NetBEUI)
      multiple servers (see virtual servers)
      name (see NetBIOS name)
      name server (NBNS), 11, 25, 58
      network, naming machines on, 10-13
      over TCP/IP, 10
      Unique Resource Types, 15
netmasks, 57, 67
      troubleshooting, 288
network addresses
      finding, 290
      troubleshooting, 288-290
Network Basic Input/Output System (see NetBIOS)
network configuration commands, 192
Network dialog box (Windows NT), 63
network drives, mapping, 5
Network File System
      resources for further information, 293
Network File System (NFS), 30
Network icon
      Windows 95/98, 53
      Windows NT, 63
network masks (see netmasks)
Network Neighborhood icon, 61, 93
      viewing Samba server, 72
Network Neighborhood window, 21-22
      mapping network drives via, 5
      hardware for, testing, 259
      network address ranges, 289
      nmblookup program, testing with, 279
      options, 101-106
            list of, 103
            magic script, 233
      printing on a network, steps in, 201
      setting up, 53-60
newsgroups for Samba, 291
NFS (Network File System), 30
      resources for further information, 293
nis homedir option, 200
NIS/NIS+ protocol, 36, 169
      how Samba works with, 199
      resources for further information, 293
nmbd daemon, 2, 29, 82, 85, 361-362
      browsing options for, 125
      killing, 48
      starting, 46
nmblookup program, 372
      networks, testing with, 279
node types, 13
non-encrypted passwords, 172
non-European languages, 30
Novell Networking, 53
nt pipe support option, 243
nt smb support option, 243
null passwords, 183
null TID, 74
numerical type, 90

O[ Top ]
.old files, 39
ole locking compatibility option, 244
Open Source Software (OSS), 3
operating systems
      encrypted/non-encrypted passwords, 172
      miscellaneous options for, 240
      values in elections, 117
oplock files option, 316
oplocks, 149-154
      break requests, 149
      messaging option for, 237
      options for, 151-154
oplocks option, 153
opportunistic locking, 29
      tuning, 316
      (see also oplocks)
option names, 84
os filetime resolution option, 232
os level option, 126
OS/2, support for share-level security, 165
OSF/1 (Digital Unix), 35

P[ Top ]
      headers for, tcpdump utility and, 376
      maximum size of, option for, 243
PAM (pluggable authentication modules), 179
      support for, 36
panic action option, 244
passwd chat debug option, 182
passwd chat option, 182
passwd program option, 182
password file, security and, 53
password level option, 182
Password settings (Windows 95/98), 51
passwords, 171-184
      chat characters for, 178
            changing, 176
            disabling on Windows computers, 173
            vs. non-encrypted, 172, 173
      null, 183
      options for, 180-184
            share-level, 192
      passwd program, 182
      smbpasswd program, 374
      stored by Samba, 172
      synchronizing, 176-179
      user-level security and, 168
      Windows 95/98, 51-53
            changing, 52
      option for, 98
      printer configuration and, 207
paths, architecture-specific, 86
pdate encrypted option, 183
PDC (primary domain controller), 20
      domain master browser and, 119
      domain option for, 190
      domain-level security and, 164
PDC (continued)
      Samba 2.1 and, 186
      Samba, setting up as, 184
      sever-level security and, 168
      trust accounts and, 186
performance, 29
performance tuning, 312-328
      benchmark for, 312, 314
      other options for, 319-328
      recommended enhancements, 320
permissions, 207
      options for, 140-143
      for printing, 207
plaintext passwords, 173
pluggable authentication modules (PAM), 36, 179
p-node, 13
point-to-point communication, 13
point-to-point registration/resolution, 13
port not telnet option, 257
postexec option, 199
postscript option, 221
preexec option, 199
preferred master browser, 119
preferred master option, 126
preserve case option, 147
preventing browsing, 115
primary domain controller (see PDC)
primary WINS server, 26
print command option, 221
print queue, options for, 223
print shares, 7-9, 89-90, 204-205
      created by Samba, 205
      options for, 222
      path option, 98
      setting up on Windows client, 7
printable option, 219
printcap name option, 223
printer capabilities file, 89
printer driver file option, 219
printer driver location option, 220
printer driver option, 219
printer option, 219
PRINTER$ share, creating, 212
      BSD, 215
            caution with, 205
            checking, 375
      option for, 219-221
      sharing (see print shares)
      System V, 216
printing, 201-224
      commands, 202
            default commands for, 221
      configuration, minimal, 203-205
      configuration options, 203-207
      drivers for, setting up, 210-213
      on a network, steps in, 201
      options for, 217-224
      pathnames used in commands for, 207
      permissions for, 207
      print jobs, 204
            spooling with smbprint tool, 213
      printer definition file, 211
      resources for information on debugging, 208
      through Samba, 201-213
      test for, 206
      types, 218
      variables for, 203
      Windows client printers
            printing to, 213-224
            setting up and testing, 208
printing configuration option, 218
private directory (Samba distribution), 172
private key cryptography, 35
privileges, option for, 199
processes (see daemons)
profiles, 194
      creating, 53
      local, 194
      mandatory, 196
      roaming, 194-196
            option for location of, 197
programmers, support for, 230-233
propagation, browse list, 24
Properties button (Windows 95/98), 55
      routed through a hardware device, 53
      variant, negotiating, 78
Protocols tab, 65-66

Q[ Top ]
queuepause command option, 223
queueresume command option, 223
quotation marks in values, 84

R[ Top ]
rc.local file, 47
read list option, 161
read only option, 100
read prediction, testing, 318
read raw, tuning, 315
read size, tuning, 318
reading documentation, importance of, 34
read-only files, 136
      deleting, 139, 142
read-only partitions, 40
read-only/read-write access, 159
remote announce option, 127
remote browse sync option, 127
remote procedure call (RPC), 376
representing/resolving filenames, 145
resource names, 14
resource types, 14
      for primary domain controller vs. domain master browser, 24
resources, connecting to, 81
resources for further information, 291-293
      group attributes, 16
      NFS (Network File System), 293
      printers, debugging, 208
      Samba, 32
      Solaris servers, 321
      Windows network configuration commands, 192
revalidation of users, 192
roaming profiles, 194-196
      option for location of, 197
role settings in elections, 117
root postexec option, 199
root preexec option, 198
root user, 37, 199
      access, 159
routers, TCP/IP configuring and, 68
RPC (remote procedure call), 376
rpcclient program, 376

S[ Top ]
SAM (security account manager), 19, 169
Samba, 1-9
      compatibility with Windows NT, 30
      compiling (see compiling Samba)
      configuring (see configuring Samba)
      daemons (see daemons)
      distribution, xi, 28, 32
      documentation, importance of reading, 34
      downloading, 32-34
            with CVS, 378
      features/uses, x
      installing (see installing Samba)
      logging in for the first time, 52
      Microsoft encryption and, 30
      new features file, 34
      origin of name, 2
      performance tuning, 312-328
            benchmark for, 312, 314
            other options for, 319-328
      reasons for using, 3
      resources for further information, 291-293
      roles in Windows domains/workgroups, 26
      startup file, 363
      test utilities, 254-257
      version 2.0, 20, 28
            character sets, 235
            code pages for, 234
            coding system parameters, 235
            new options, 238
      version 2.0.5, xi, 28
      version 2.1, 20
            PDC functionality and, 186
      web site, 32, 291
      WINS server and, 225
Samba server
      accessing, 61
      connecting to, 71
      resources offered, 72
      sizing, 320-328
      viewing via Network Neighborhood icon, 72
Samba Web Administration Tool (see SWAT tool)
      connection, 198
      logon, 192-200
      magic, 233
      for Samba startup file, 363
secondary WINS server, 26
sections of smb.conf (Samba configuration) file, 83
Secure Sockets Layer protocol (see SSL)
security, 35, 164-171
      domain-level, 169-171
      levels of, 164
security (continued)
      options for, 164
      restricting access to shares, 158-163
      server-level, 168
      share-level, 164-167
            options for, 167
      user-level, 167
security account manager (SAM), 19, 169
Select Network Protocol dialog box, 65
server configuration options, 94-96
Server Message Block (see SMB)
server string parameter, 95
server-level security, 168
      active, list of, 116
      testing with nmblookup program, 278
      virtual, 106-108
            options for, 107
service bindings, 71
services, 83
      list of enabled on machine, 45
      performed by Samba, 2
      testing low-level, 257-263
      Workstation, 65
      (see also shares)
Services tab, 65
session layer, connection at, 78
session parameters, setting, 79
session service, 10, 16-18
set directory option, 244
share modes, 151
share options, 90
shared directory/resources (see shares)
shared resources (see shares)
share-level security, 164-167
      options for, 167
      printing and guest accounts, 204
      steps in taken by Samba, 165
shares, 30, 83
      access to
            controlling, 158-163
            creating for groups, 157
            by foreign hosts, option for, 184
      contents, restricting view of, 115
      default, 115
      file, path option for, 98
      [globals] section, 88
      option for identifying users allowed access to, 168
      viewing (see browsing)
      disks (see disk shares)
      printers (see print shares)
Sharpe, Richard, 74
SIGHUP signal, 85
sizing Samba servers, 320-328
smb passwd file option, 183
SMB (Server Message Block), 2, 74-81
      command string, 75
      commercial products for, 77
      deny-mode locks, 151
      format of, 74
      header, 75
      magic scripts, 233
      making a simple connection, 77
      maximum number of operations, option for, 243
      networks, 4
            usernames and, 162
      option for NT-specific options, 243
      password server, 168
      resources for further information, 74
      seamless operation across networks, 30
      troubleshooting connections, 268-275
            testing locally, 268
            testing with NET USE, 271-274
            testing with smbclient, 270
            testing with Windows Explorer, 274-275
      wrapper support, 34
SMB/CIFS protocol, 3
      filesystems, 34
      network and, 9-18
smbclient program, 49, 364-370
smb.conf (Samba configuration) file, 8, 41, 63, 82-93
      configuring printers, 203
      creating, 93
            for each client, 253
      example of, 82
      modifying for printer drivers, 212
      options for, 90-93
            format of, 83
            supporting programmers, 230-232
      special sections of, 88-91
      structure of, 83-86
      testparm program for, 375
      variables for, 86-88
smbd daemon, 2, 82, 359-360
      file, 47
      killing, 48
      starting, 46
smbd server, checking with telnet, 266
smbmount, support for, 36
smbpasswd file, 172, 174-176
      adding entries to, 175
      caution with, 173-174
      option for location of, 183
smbpasswd program, 171, 374
      changing passwords with, 176
smbprint tool, spooling print jobs, 213
smbrun option, 244
smbsh program, 364
smbstatus program, 8, 370
smbtar program, 245-248
      tar operations and, 371
smbwrapper client, 30
smbwrapper package, 35
socket address option, 106
socket options configuration options, 314
software distribution (see Samba, distribution)
source vs. binary files, 32
spaces in values, 84
special sections, smb.conf (Samba configuration) file, 88-91
spelling, caution with, 61
spool space, options for, 223
square brackets, 83
ssl CA certDir option, 308
ssl CA certFile option, 308
ssl ciphers option, 310
ssl client cert option, 309
ssl client key option, 309
ssl compatibility option, 311
ssl hosts option, 307
ssl hosts resign option, 307
ssl option, 307
ssl require clientcert option, 309
ssl require servercert option, 310
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, 30
      configuration options for, 306-311
      configuring Samba to use, 300
      configuring Samba with, 295-311
      SS Proxy, 296
            setting up, 304
      SSLeay, 296-304
      support for, 34, 36
ssl server cert option, 308
ssl server key option, 308
ssl version option, 310
stand-alone daemons, 47
stat cache option, 239
stat cache size option, 239
status option, 244
status report on Samba, 8
strict locking option, 152, 319
strict sync option, 245, 319
string types, 90
strip dot option, 245
subnets, 12
      hosts and, caution with, 102
      mask, 57, 67
      multiple spanned by Windows workgroups, 24
      Windows NT workstations and, 24
superuser (see root user)
SWAT tool, 29
      adding to configuration files, 41
      creating configuration file with, 42
sync always option, 245, 319
      passwords, 176-179
      time, options for, 231
syntax errors, 45
syslog only option, 113
syslog option, 113
SYSLOG utility, 110
      support for, 36
system administrator, WINS server and, 26
system files, 136
System V Unix, 47
      printer configuration for, 203

T[ Top ]
tar operations, 371
tcpdump utility, 78, 255-257, 376
      passwords, reading, 172
TCP/IP networking protocol, 9
      adding/configuring, 54
      checking setup, 53
      compared with NetBIOS, 10
      configuring, 66-71
      installing, 65
      NetBIOS over, 10
      receive window, tuning, 317
      resources for further information, 293
      TCP, troubleshooting, 263
TCP/IP Properties panel (Windows 95/98), 55
test parser, 45
test share, 42
      configuration file, 45
      daemons, 49
      Samba, 41-46
      smbclient program, 364-370
      test utilities for Samba, 254-257
      tools for (CD-ROM with this book), 28
testparm program, 375
testparm test parser, 45
testprns program, 375
TID (tree identifier), 74, 78, 80
time server option, 231
time synchronization, options for, 231
time to live (TTL), options for, 229
timestamp logs option, 112
trace utility, 254
trailing dot, option for, 245
tree identifier (TID), 74, 78, 80
Tridgell, Andrew, 2, 255
troubleshooting, 250-291
      information to have on hand, 257
      network addresses, 288-290
      where to start, 250
trust accounts, creating, 186
TTL (time to live), options for, 229
tuning (see performance tuning)

U[ Top ]
umasks, 138
uniform resource locators (URLs), 6
Universal Naming Convention (UNC), 5
      carriage returns, 193
      daemons, 2
      file permissions and attributes, 135-143
      filenames, option for, 245
      locks and, 150
      networks, usernames and, 162
            for messaging, 237
            miscellaneous, 240
            for print commands, 221
            for system logger, 113
      password files, 169
      permissions, share write access and, 159
      servers, backing up computers from, 246
      System V, 47
            printer configuration for, 203
            printing and, 29
      troubleshooting utilities, 254
      user classifications, 135
unix password sync option, 180
unix realname option, 133
URLs (uniform resource locators), 6
      distribution, 28
      Kerberos, 35
      Samba, 28, 32
            distribution, xi
            web site, 291
      SMB (Server Message Block), 74
use rhosts option, 184
user profiles (Windows 95/98), 50
user variables, 86
user-level security, 164, 167
username level option, 163
username map option, 162
username option, 167
      case sensitivity and, 163
      options for, 162-163
      SMB vs. Unix networks, 162
      Windows 95/98, 51-53
users, 155-158
      allowing superuser (root) access to, 159
      creating, 89
      domain, semi-automatic deletion, 171
      home directory, 36
            logon script option for location of, 198
      invalid, specifying, 158
      read-only/read-write access, 159
      setting up, 155
      share-level option for authentication of, 192
      shares for, setting up, 157
/usr/local/samba file, 40
/usr/local/samba/var/log.smb file, 49

V[ Top ]
valid chars option, 236
variables, 86-88
veto files, 129-131
      option for deleting, 135
veto files option, 134
veto oplock files option, 154
viewing daemons, 8
virtual connection, 78
virtual hosts, 29
virtual servers, 106-108
      options for, 107
volume option, 100

W[ Top ]
Whistle, 3
whitespaces in values, 84
wide links option, 134, 319
Windows 95/98
      domain controllers for, 18-20
      domain logons, configuring, 185
      domains, 184-192
      miscellaneous options for, 240
      multiple users, support for, 50
      passwords, encrypted, 172
      printer drivers, installing, 210
      share-level security, support for, 165
      WinPopup tool, 237
Windows clients
      configuring, 50-81
            Windows NT 4.0 computers, 63-73
            Windows95/98 computers, 50-63
      individual configuration files for, 253
      printers for, setting up and testing, 208
      role settings in elections, 117
Windows Explorer, Map Network Drive option, 5
Windows Internet Name Service (see WINS)
Windows NT
      client/server and, 77
      configuring domain logons, 186
      domains, 18, 28, 184-192
            caution when selecting, 190
      IP address, setting, 67
      naming, caution with, 63
            encrypted, 172
            new option for timeout (Samba version 2.0), 239
      pipes, option for, 243
      server, domain master browser and, 119
      SMB, option for, 243
      user authentication and, 186
      WINS address and, 70
Windows NT Server 4.0, 65
Windows NT Server Manager for Domains tool, 171
Windows NT Workstation 4.0, 65
Windows UNC format, 62
Windows workgroups (see workgroups, Windows)
WINDOWSHOSTS directory, 71
WinPopup tool, 237
WINS Address tab (Windows NT panel), 70
WINS Configuration tab, 58
wins proxy option, 228
wins server option, 228
wins support option, 228
WINS (Windows Internet Name Service), 2, 25, 58
      address, configuring, 70
      name resolution and, 224
      options for, 228
      server, 44
            configuring Windows domain logons and, 185
      servers, 25, 59
      Windows operating systems and, 26
      WINS server
            primary/secondary, 26
WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) server
      setting up Samba as, 226
      setting up Sambato use, 225
Wong, Brian, 321
workgroup parameter, 96
workgroups, 4
      roles in assumed by Samba, 26
      setting, 60
            behaviors vs. Windows domain, 20
            spanning multiple subnets, 24
working directory, option for, 134
Workstation service, installing, 65
wrapper support for SMB (Server Message Block), 34
write ahead, tuning, 318
write list option, 161
write privileges, 40
write raw, tuning, 315
write size, tuning, 317
writeable/write ok option, 100

Y[ Top ]

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