
Printer status information, displays status information about the current classes, jobs, and printers. When run with no arguments, lpstat will list jobs queued by the user.

     lpstat  [  -E  ] [ -h server ] [ -l ]
           [ -W which-jobs ] [ -a [ destination(s) ] ]
              [ -c [ class(es) ] [ -d ] [ -o [ destination(s) ] ]
                  [ -p  [ printer(s)  ]  ][ -r ] [ -R ] [ -s ]
                     [ -t ] [ -u [ user(s) ] ] [ -v [ printer(s) ] ]

	    Force encryption when connecting to the server.

       -a [printer(s)]
	    Show the accepting state of printer queues. 
            If no printers are specified then all printers are listed.

       -c [class(es)]
	    Shows the printer classes and the printers that belong to them. If
	    no classes are specified then all classes are listed.

       -d   Show the current default destination.

       -h server
	    Specify the CUPS server to communicate with.

       -l   Show a long listing of printers, classes, or jobs.

       -o [destination(s)]
	    Show the jobs queue on the specified destinations. If no destina-
	    tions are specified all jobs are shown.

       -p [printer(s)]
	    Show  the printers and whether or not they are enabled for print-
	    ing. If no printers are specified then all printers are listed.

       -r   Show whether or not the CUPS server is running.
       -R   Show the ranking of print jobs.
       -s   Show a status summary, including the default destination, a  list
	    of	classes	 and their member printers, and a list of printers and
	    their associated devices. This is equivalent to  using  the	 "-d",
	    "-c", and "-p" options.

       -t   Show all status information.  This is equivalent to using the
	    "-r", "-d", "-c", "-d", "-v", "-a", "-p", and "-o" options.

       -u [user(s)]
	    Show a list of print jobs queued by the specified	users.	If  no
	    users are specified, lists the jobs queued by the current user.

       -v [printer(s)]
	    Show the printers and what device they are attached to. If no
	    printers are specified then all printers are listed.

       -W [which-jobs]
	    Specifies which jobs to show, completed or not-completed  (the
	    default).  This option must appear before the -o option and/or any
	    printer names, otherwise the default (not-completed) value will be
	    used in the request to the scheduler.

“Only one thing would be worse than the status quo. And that would be for the status quo to become the norm” - Elizabeth Dole


lpstat man page - Apple.com
enable - Stop or start printers and classes.
lpc - Line printer control program
lpr - Off line print
lprm - Remove jobs from the print queue
lprint - Print a file
pr - Convert text files for printing
printcap - Printer Capability database

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