
Print files

      lpr  [-E] [-P destination]
             [-# num-copies [-l] [-o option]
                [-p] [-r] [-C/J/T title] [ file(s) ]
  -E        Force encryption when connecting to the server.

  -P destination
	    Print files to the named printer.

  -# copies
	    Sets the number of copies to print from 1 to 100.

  -C name   Sets the job name.

  -J name   Sets the job name.

  -T name   Sets the job name.
  -l        Specifies  that the print file is already formatted for the desti-
	    nation and should be sent without filtering. This option is equiv-
	    alent to "-oraw".

  -o option
	    Sets a job option.

  -p	    Specifies  that  the  print file should be formatted with a shaded
	    header with the date, time, job name, and page number. This option
	    is	equivalent to "-oprettyprint" and is only useful when printing
	    text files.

  -r	    Specifies that the named  print  files  should  be	deleted	 after
	    printing them.

lpr submits files for printing. Files named on the command line are sent to the named printer (or the system default destination if no des- tination is specified). If no files are listed on the command-line lpr reads the print file from the standard input.

"Documentation is the castor oil of programming. Managers know it must be good because the programmers hate it so much" - Anon


lpr man page - Apple.com
enable - Stop or start printers and classes.
lprm - Remove jobs from the print queue
lpstat - Printer status information
cancel(1) - cancel print
lp - print files
lpadmin - printer admin
lpc - Line printer control program

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