Here you will find volunteers who have spent there time translating the papers. If you would like to contribute, please email me at

--- Whitepapers ---
Feel free to copy / link / distribute any of the whitepapers listed below. 

French / Francais
Ouah ( volunteered his time to translate these papers into French/Francais.

Know Your Enemy I ( .doc, .txt )

Know Your Enemy II ( .doc, .txt )

Know Your Enemy III ( .doc, .txt )

Armoring Linux ( .doc, .txt )

German / Deutsch
Jochen Berner ( volunteered his time to translate these papers into German/Deutsche.

Den Feind Erkennen I / Know Your Enemy I ( .doc, )

Den Feind Erkennen II / Know Your Enemy II ( .doc, )

Den Feind Erkennen III / Know Your Enemy III ( .doc, )

Antti Sinisalo ( volunteered time to translate these papers into Finnish.

Tunne vihollisesi / Know Your Enemy