No Logging

Often your network will see alot of broadcast traffic that is filling up your logs, especially chatty protocols such as NetBIOS.  You may not want to log this traffic.  Remeber our last rule that drops and logs everything that is not explicity allowed?  Well, we create a rule before the Drop All rule that drops the chatty traffic, but does NOT log it. We will also add ident, an unreliable protocol used by mailservers to identify the user sending mail. Notice how we use "Reject" instead of "Drop". Reject quickly closes the connection by sending RST packets. This helps increase the response time for mail, since the ident protocol gets a "RST" instead of timeing out. For NetBIOS, it does not matter. Keep in mind, if you are not logging the traffic, this will make it more difficult to troubleshoot if you have problems in the future. You may have to temporarily disable the rule to troubleshoot specific NetBIOS or Ident issues.