All information discussed below is based on Sun Microsystem's Ultra 5 Sparc using Solaris 2.6. Your mileage may vary for different hardware platforms. This document is for users who want to use the Core installation package. Core is far more secure then End User package as it has fewer packages installed. By default, Core comes with 34 packages. To see all 34 packages, refer to the bottom of this paper. We are going to make this installation even more secure by removing 17 of the 34 packages, as they are not required. To remove a package, you use the "pkgrm" command. For example, the following command removes the package SUNWdtcor mozart #pkgrm SUNWdtcor The following 17 packages are not required to run FW-1 4.0. Some of the packages will complain about dependencies. Don't worry, you are removing the dependencies also. -------------------------------------------------------------------- system SUNWpcelx 3COM EtherLink III PCMCIA Ethernet Driver system SUNWpcmci PCMCIA Card Services, (Root) system SUNWpcmcu PCMCIA Card Services, (Usr) system SUNWpcmem PCMCIA memory card driver system SUNWpcser PCMCIA serial card driver system SUNWpsdpr PCMCIA ATA card driver system SUNWnisr Network Information System, (Root) system SUNWnisu Network Information System, (Usr) system SUNWatfsr AutoFS, (Root) system SUNWatfsu AutoFS, (Usr) system SUNWxwdv X Windows System Window Drivers system SUNWxwmod OpenWindows kernel modules system SUNWsolnm Solaris Naming Enabler system SUNWdtcor Solaris Desktop /usr/dt filesystem anchor system SUNWkey Keyboard configuration tables system SUNWadmr System & Network Administration Root system SUNWcg6 GX (cg6) Device Driver There are several optional packages I like to add, mainly tools for troubleshooting. You may have others you want/need to add based on your requirements. To do this, first mount the installation cdrom: mozart #mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s0 /cdrom mozart #cd /cdrom/Solaris_2.6/Product From there, you can add packages with the "pkgadd" command. For example, to add SUWNtoo, you use the following command. mozart #pkgadd -d . SUNWtoo Recommend packages to add --------------------------------------------------------------- system SUNWkey Keyboard configuration tables -> For international keyboards system SUNWter Terminal Information -> Requred by FW-1 since use of /bin/ed system SUNWlibC SPARCompilers Bundled libC -> Used by SUNWfns system SUNWfns Federated Naming System -> snoop system SUNWtoo Programming Tools -> truss, strings, ldd, savecore system SUNWdoc Documentation Tools -> Used by SUNWman system SUNWman On-Line Manual Pages -> man pages To learn what binaries belong to what package, use the command "pkgchk". For example, to learn what package truss belongs to, use the following command. # pkgchk -l -p /usr/bin/truss Pathname: /usr/bin/truss Type: regular file Expected mode: 0555 Expected owner: bin Expected group: bin Expected file size (bytes): 123736 Expected sum(1) of contents: 41220 Expected last modification: Jun 18 17:11:15 1998 Referenced by the following packages: SUNWtoo Current status: installed When everything is said and done, you should have the following packages installed on your system (not counting the optional packages discussed above). ---------------------------------------------------------------- mozart #pkginfo system SUNWcar Core Architecture, (Root) system SUNWcsd Core Solaris Devices system SUNWcsr Core Solaris, (Root) system SUNWcsu Core Solaris, (Usr) system SUNWdfb Dumb Frame Buffer Device Drivers system SUNWesu Extended System Utilities system SUNWhmd SunSwift SBus Adapter Drivers system SUNWide IDE device drivers system SUNWkvm Core Architecture, (Kvm) system SUNWlibms Sun WorkShop Bundled shared libm system SUNWos86u Platform Support, OS Functionality (Usr) system SUNWpci PCI Simba device drivers system SUNWpd PCI Drivers system SUNWploc Partial Locales system SUNWswmt Patch Utilities system SUNWvplr SMCC sun4u new platform links system SUNWvplu SMCC sun4u new usr/platform links All 34 packages that make up a Core install. This is what you should see after you complete the Core install, but before you remove any packages. ---------------------------------------------------------------- mozart #pkginfo system SUNWadmr System & Network Administration Root system SUNWatfsr AutoFS, (Root) system SUNWatfsu AutoFS, (Usr) system SUNWcar Core Architecture, (Root) system SUNWcg6 GX (cg6) Device Driver system SUNWcsd Core Solaris Devices system SUNWcsr Core Solaris, (Root) system SUNWcsu Core Solaris, (Usr) system SUNWdfb Dumb Frame Buffer Device Drivers system SUNWdtcor Solaris Desktop /usr/dt filesystem anchor system SUNWesu Extended System Utilities system SUNWhmd SunSwift SBus Adapter Drivers system SUNWide IDE device drivers system SUNWkey Keyboard configuration tables system SUNWkvm Core Architecture, (Kvm) system SUNWlibms Sun WorkShop Bundled shared libm system SUNWnisr Network Information System, (Root) system SUNWnisu Network Information System, (Usr) system SUNWos86u Platform Support, OS Functionality (Usr) system SUNWpcelx 3COM EtherLink III PCMCIA Ethernet Driver system SUNWpci PCI Simba device drivers system SUNWpcmci PCMCIA Card Services, (Root) system SUNWpcmcu PCMCIA Card Services, (Usr) system SUNWpcmem PCMCIA memory card driver system SUNWpcser PCMCIA serial card driver system SUNWpd PCI Drivers system SUNWploc Partial Locales system SUNWpsdpr PCMCIA ATA card driver system SUNWsolnm Solaris Naming Enabler system SUNWswmt Patch Utilities system SUNWvplr SMCC sun4u new platform links system SUNWvplu SMCC sun4u new usr/platform links system SUNWxwdv X Windows System Window Drivers system SUNWxwmod OpenWindows kernel modules Please send any suggestions or corrections to