Adventures in School

The four and half years I spent at college were some of the best years of my life.  Since I knew I was going to have a job when I graduated (officer in the Army) I could afford to focus on the finer things of life, like having fun! First, I joined one of the wildest fraternities on campus, a true Animal House.  As social chairman of the house, I had the distinction of throwing one of the wildest parties ever (Beer & Slide).  Several of us founded the In-line skating and hockey club.  Many a night was spent rollerblading the streets of campus.  When I wasn't busy having fun, I was training with ROTC, specifically the Ranger Challenge team. 
Here you see us preparing for night maneuvers.  I was part of Ranger Challenge, a nine man team that trains in small unit tactics.  Once a year, teams throughout the United States compete in a exhaustive 2 day competition that includes a physical fitness test, orienteering, patrolling tactics, and a 10K run in full combat gear!  Military training was not easy with a collegiate social life.  There is nothing like staying out with your friends until 4:00 am, only have to go on a 6 mile run at 6:00 am with your Army buddies.  The training was extremely intense and challenging, but some of the best times of my life.  During my senior year, I was captain of the team.  We took second place in region.  As for the picture on the right, I'm the one in the middle, with black paint on his face.