Handbook of Information Security Management:Computer Operations Security

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Levels of privileges provide users with the ability to invoke the commands needed to accomplish their work. Every user has some degree of privilege. The term, however, has come to be applied more to those individuals performing specialized tasks that require broad capabilities than to the general user. In this context, a privilege provides the authority necessary to modify control functions (e.g., access control, logging, and violation detection) or may provide access to specific system vulnerabilities. (Vulnerabilities are elements of the system’s software or hardware that can be used to gain unauthorized access to system facilities or data.) Thus, individuals in such positions as systems programming, operations, and systems monitoring are authorized to do more than general users.

A privilege can be global when it is applicable to the entire system, function-oriented when it is restricted to resources grouped according to a specific criterion, or application specific when it is implemented within a particular piece of application code. It should be noted that when an access control mechanism is compromised, lower-level controls may also be compromised. If the system itself is compromised, all resources are exposed regardless of any lower-level controls that may be implemented.

Indirect authorization is a special type of privilege by which access granted for one resource may give control over another privilege. For example, a user with indirect privileges may obtain authority to modify the password of a privileged user (e.g., the security administrator). In this case, the user does not have direct privileges but obtains them by signing on to the system as the privileged user (although this would be a misuse of the system). The activities of anyone with indirect privileges should be regularly monitored for abuse.

Extended or special access to computing resources is termed privileged-entity access. Extended access can be divided into various segments, called classes, with each succeeding class more powerful than those preceding it. The class into which general system users are grouped is the lowest, most restrictive class; a class that permits someone to change the computing operating system is the least restrictive, or most powerful. All other system support functions fall somewhere between these two.

Users must be specifically assigned to a class; users within one class should not be able to complete functions assigned to users in other classes. This can be accomplished by specifically defining class designations according to job functions and not permitting access ability to any lower classes except those specifically needed (e.g., all users need general user access to log on to the system). An example of this arrangement is shown in Exhibit 1.

Exhibit 1.  Sample Privileged-Entity Access

System users should be assigned to a class on the basis of their job functions; staff members with similar computing access needs are grouped together with a class. One of the most typical problems uncovered by information security audits relates to the implementation of system assignments. Often, sites permit class members to access all lesser functions (i.e., toward A in Exhibit 1). Although it is much simpler to implement this plan than to assign access strictly according to need, such a plan provides little control over assets.

The more extensive the system privileges given within a class, the greater the need for control and monitoring to ensure that abuses do not occur. One method for providing control is to install an access control mechanism, which may be purchased from a vendor (e.g., RACF, CA-TOP, SECRET, and CA-ACF2) or customized by the specific site or application group. To support an access control mechanism, the computer software provides a system control program. This program maintains control over several aspects of computer processing, including allowing use of the hardware, enforcing data storage conventions, and regulating the use of I/O devices.

The misuse of system control program privileges may give a user full control over the system, because altering control information or functions may allow any control mechanism to be compromised. Users who abuse these privileges can prevent the recording of their own unauthorized activities, erase any record of their previous activities from the audit log, and achieve uncontrolled access to system resources. Furthermore, they may insert a special code into the system control program that can allow them to become privileged at any time in the future.

The following sections discuss the way the system control program provides control over computer processing.

Restricting Hardware Instructions

The system control program can restrict the execution of certain computing functions, permitting them only when the processor is in a particular functional state (known as privileged or supervisor state) or when authorized by architecturally defined tables in control storage. Programs operate in various states, during which different commands are permitted. To be authorized to execute privileged hardware instructions, a program should be running in a restrictive state that allows these commands.

Instructions permitting changes in the program state are classified as privileged and are available only to the operating system and its extensions. Therefore, to ensure adequate protection of the system, only carefully selected individuals should be able to change the program state and execute these commands.

Controlling Main Storage

The use of address translation mechanisms can provide effective isolation between different users’ storage locations. In addition, main storage protection mechanisms protect main storage control blocks against unauthorized access. One type of mechanism involves assignment of storage protection keys to portions of main storage to keep unauthorized users out.

The system control program can provide each user section of the system with a specific storage key to protect against read-only or update access. In this methodology, the system control program assigns a key to each task and manages all requests to change that key. To obtain access to a particular location in storage, the requesting routine must have an identical key or the master key.

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