Handbook of Information Security Management:Application Program Security

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View-Based Access Control

Views allow the data base to be conceptually divided into pieces in ways that allow sensitive data to be hidden from unauthorized users. In the relational model, views provide a powerful mechanism for specifying data-dependent authorizations for data retrieval.

Although the individual user who creates a view is the owner and is entitled to drop the view, he or she may not be authorized to execute all privileges on it. The authorizations that the owner may exercise depend on the view semantics and on the authorizations that the owner is allowed to implement on the tables directly accessed by the view. For the owner to exercise a specific authorization on a view that he or she creates, the owner must possess the same authorization on all tables that the view uses. The privileges the owner possesses on the view are determined at the time of view definition. Each privilege the owner possesses on the tables is defined for the view. If, later on, the owner receives additional privileges on the tables used by the view, these additional privileges will not be passed onto the view. In order to use the new privileges within a view, the owner will need to create a new view.

The biggest problem with view-based mandatory access controls is that it is impractical to verify that the software performs the view interpretation and processing. If the correct authorizations are to be assured, the system must contain some type of mechanism to verify the classification of the sensitivity of the information in the data base. The classification must be done automatically, and the software that handles the classification must be trusted. However, any trusted software for the automatic classification process would be extremely complex. Furthermore, attempting to use a query language such as SQL to specify classifications quickly becomes convoluted and complex. Even when the complexity of the classification scheme is overcome, the view can do nothing more than limit what the user sees — it cannot restrict the operations that may be performed on the views.

GRANT and REVOKE Privileges

Although view mechanisms are often regarded as security “freebies” because they are included within SQL and most other traditional relational data base managers, views are not the sole mechanism for relational data base security. GRANT and REVOKE statements allow users to selectively and dynamically grant privileges to other users and subsequently revoke them if necessary. These two statements are considered to be the principal user interfaces in the authorization subsystem.

There is, however, a security-related problem inherent in the use of the GRANT statement. If a user is granted rights without the GRANT option, he or she should not be able to pass GRANT authority on to other users. However, the system can be subverted by a user by simply making a complete copy of the relation. Because the user creating the copy is now the owner, he or she can provide GRANT authority to other users. As a result, unauthorized users are able to access the same information that had been contained in the original relation. Although this copy is not updated with the original relation, the user making the copy could continue making similar copies of the relation, and continue to provide the same data to other users.

The REVOKE statement functions similarly to the GRANT statement, with the opposite result. One of the characteristics of the use of the REVOKE statement is that it has a cascading effect. When the rights previously granted to a user are subsequently revoked, all similar rights are revoked for all users who may have been provided access by the originator.

Other Relational Security Mechanisms

Although views and GRANT/ REVOKE statements are the most frequently used security measures in traditional RDBMSs, they are not the only mechanisms included in most security systems using the relational model. Another security method used with traditional relational data base managers, which is similar to GRANT/REVOKE statements, is the use of query modification.

This method involves modifying a user’s query before the information is retrieved, based on the authorities granted to the user. Although query modification is not incorporated within SQL, the concept is supported by the Cobb-Date relational data base model.

Most relational data base management systems also rely on the security measures present in the operating system of the host computer. Traditional RDMBSs such as DB2 work closely with the operating system to ensure that the data base security system is not circumvented by permitting access to data through the operating system. However, many operating systems provide insufficient security. In addition, because of the portability of many newer data base packages, the security of the operating system should not be assumed to be adequate for the protection of the wealth of information in a data base.

Object-Oriented DBMS Characteristics

Unlike traditional RDBMSs, secure OODBMSs have certain characteristics that make them unique. Furthermore, only a limited number of security models have been designed specifically for OO data bases. The proposed security models make use of the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, information hiding, methods, and the ability to model real-world entities that are present in OO environments.

The object-oriented data base model also permits the classification of an object’s sensitivity through the use of class (of entities) and instance. When an instance of a class is created, the object can automatically inherit the level of sensitivity of the superclass. Although the ability to pass classifications through inheritance is possible in object-oriented data bases, class instances are usually classified at a higher level within the object’s class hierarchy. This prevents a flow control problem, where information passes from higher to lower classification levels.

OODBMSs also use unique characteristics that allow these models to control the access to the data in the data base. They incorporate features such as flexible data structure, inheritance, and late binding. Access control models for OODBMSs must be consistent with such features. Users can define methods, some of which are open for other users as public methods. Moreover, the OODBMS may encapsulate a series of basic access commands into a method and make it public for users, while keeping basic commands themselves away from users.

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