Handbook of Information Security Management:Communications Security

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In the last point, it can be disturbing to some in the user community to disallow the use of such powerful tools, because they can be utilized against trusted Web pages, or those that require authentication through the use of SSL or S-HTTP. This approach can be coupled with the connection to S-HTTP pages where the target page has to prove its identity to the client user. In this case, enabling Java or JavaScripts to execute on the browser (a user-selectable option) could be done with a degree of confidence.

Other perceived security risks exist in a browser feature referred to as HTTP “Cookies.” This is a feature that allows servers to store information on the client machine in order to reduce the store and retrieve requirements of the server. The cookies file can be written to by the server, and that server, in theory, is the only one that can read back their cookies entry. Uses of the cookie file include storing user’s preferences or browser history on a particular server or page, which can assist in guiding the user on their next visit to that same page. The entry in the cookies file identifies the information to be stored and the uniform resource locator (URL) or server page that can read back that information, though this address can be masked to some degree so multiple pages can read back the information.

The perceived security concern is that pages impersonating cookies-readable pages could read back a user’s cookies information without the user knowing it, or discover what information is stored in their cookie file. The threat depends on the nature of the data stored in the cookie file, which is dependent on what the server chooses to write into a user’s cookie file. This issue is currently under review, with the intention of adding additional security controls to the cookie file and its function. At this point it is important that users are aware of the existence of this file, which is viewable in the Macintosh environment as a Netscape file and in the Win environment as a cookies.txt file. There are already some inherent protections in the cookie file: one is the fact that the cookie file currently has a maximum of 20 entries, which potentially limits the exposure. Also, these entries can be set up with expiration dates to they don’t have an unlimited lifetime.


Consider the overall management of the Internet, intranet, and WWW environment. As previously mentioned, there are many players in the support role and for many of them this is not their primary job or priority. Regardless of where the following items fall in the support infrastructure, also consider these points when implementing ongoing operational support:

  Implement WWW browser and server standards.
  Control release and version distribution.
  Implement secure server administration including the use of products and utilities to erase sensitive data cache (NSClean).
  Ensure prompt problem resolution, management, and notification.
  Follow industry and vendor discourse on WWW security flaws and bugs including CERT distribution.
  Stay current on new Internet and WWW security problems, Netscape encryption, JAVA, Cookies, etc.


  WWW servers accessible from external networks should reside outside the firewall and be managed centrally.
  By special approval, decentralized programs can manage external servers, but must do so in accordance with corporate policy and be subjected to rigorous audits.
  Externally published company information must be cleared through legal and public relations departments (i.e., follow company procedures).
  External outbound http access should utilize proxy services for additional controls and audit.
  WWW application updates must be authenticated utilizing standard company security systems (as required).
  Filtering and monitoring software must be incorporated into the firewall.
  The use of discovery crawler programs must be monitored and controlled.
  Virus software must be active on all desktop systems utilizing WWW.
  Externally published information should be routinely updated or verified through integrity checks.

In conclusion, as information security practitioners embracing the technical challenges of the 21st century, we are continually challenged to integrate new technology smoothly into our existing and underlying security architectures. Having a firm foundation or set of security principles, frameworks, philosophies and supporting policies, procedures, technical architectures, etc. will assist in the transition and our success.

Approach new technologies by developing processes to manage the integration and update the security framework and supporting infrastructure, as opposed to changing it. The Internet, intranet, and the World Wide Web is exploding around us — what is new today is old technology tomorrow. We should continue to acknowledge this fact while working aggressively with other MIS and customer functional areas to slow down the train to progress, be realistic, disciplined, and plan for new technology deployment.

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Network Security Library - All you want to know about Windows, UNIX, NetWare, WWW, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, Security Policy, etc.