Handbook of Information Security Management:Communications Security

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Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Trust Model

One of the early entrants into the secure Web server and client arena is Netscape’s Commerce Server, which utilizes the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) trust model. This model is built around the RSA Public Key/Private Key architecture. Under this model, the SSL-enabled server is authenticated to SSL-aware clients, proving its identity at each SSL connection. This proof of identity is conducted through the use of a public/private key pair issued to the server validated with x.509 digital certificates. Under the SSL architecture, Web server validation can be the only validation performed, which may be all that is needed in some circumstances. This would be applicable for those applications where it is important to the user to be assured of the identity of the target server, such as when placing company orders, or other information submittal where the client is expecting some important action to take place. Exhibit 4 diagrams this process.

Exhibit 4.  Server Authentication

Optionally, SSL sessions can be established that also authenticate the client and encrypt the data transmission between the client and the server for multiple I/P services (HTTP, Telnet, FTP). The multiservice encryption capability is available because SSL operates below the application layer and above the TCP/IP connection layer in the protocol stack, and thus other TCP/IP services can operate on top of a SSL-secured session.

Optionally, authentication of a SSL client is available when the client is registered with the SSL server, and occurs after the SSL-aware client connects and authenticates the SSL server. The SSL client then submits its digital certificate to the SSL server, where the SSL server validates the client’s certificate and proceeds to exchange a session key to provide encrypted transmissions between the client and the server. Exhibit 5 provides a graphical representation of this process for mutual client and server authentication under the SSL architecture. This type of mutual client/server authentication process should be considered when the data being submitted by the client are sensitive enough to warrant encryption prior to being submitted over a network transmission path.

Exhibit 5.  Client and Server Authentication

Though there are some “costs” with implementing this architecture, these cost variables must be considered when proposing a SSL server implementation to enhance your Web server security. First of all, the design needs to consider whether to only provide server authentication, or both server and client authentication. The issue when expanding the authentication to include client authentication includes the administrative overhead of managing the user keys, including a key revocation function. This consideration, of course, has to assess the size of the user base, potential for growth of your user base, and stability of your proposed user community. All of these factors will impact the administrative burden of key management, especially if there is the potential for a highly unstable or transient user community.

The positive considerations for implementing a SSL-secured server is the added ability to secure other I/P services for remote or external SSL clients. SSL-registered clients now have the added ability to communicate securely by utilizing Telnet and FTP (or other I/P services) after passing SSL client authentication and receiving their session encryption key. In general the SSL approach has very broad benefits, but these benefits come with the potential added burden of higher administration costs, though if the value of potential data loss is great, then it is easily offset by the administration cost identified above.

Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP)

Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol, (S-HTTP) is emerging as another security tool and incorporates a flexible trust model for providing secure Web server and client HTTP communications. It is specifically designed for direct integration into HTTP transactions, with its focus on flexibility for establishing secure communications in a HTTP environment while providing transaction confidentiality, authenticity/integrity, and nonrepudiation. S-HTTP incorporates a great deal of flexibility in its trust model by leaving defined variable fields in the header definition which identifies the trust model or security algorithm to be used to enable a secure transaction. S-HTTP can support symmetric or asymmetric keys, and even a Kerberos-based trust model. The intention of the authors was to build a flexible protocol that supports multiple trusted modes, key management mechanisms, and cryptographic algorithms through clearly defined negotiation between parties for specific transactions.

At a high level the transactions can begin in a untrusted mode (standard HTTP communication), and “setup” of a trust model can be initiated so that the client and the server can negotiate a trust model, such as a symmetric key-based model on a previously agreed-upon symmetric key, to begin encrypted authentication and communication. The advantage of a S-HTTP-enabled server is the high degree of flexibility in securely communicating with Web clients. A single server, if appropriately configured and network enabled, can support multiple trust models under the S-HTTP architecture and serve multiple client types. In addition to being able to serve a flexible user base, it can also be used to address multiple data classifications on a single server where some data types require higher-level encryption or protection then other data types on the same server and therefore varying trust models could be utilized.

The S-HTTP model provides flexibility in its secure transaction architecture, but focuses on HTTP transaction vs. SSL which mandates the trust model of a public/private key security model, which can be used to address multiple I/P services. But the S-HTTP mode is limited to only HTTP communications.

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