CISSP Study Booklet on Operations Security

This simple study booklet is based directly on the ISC2 CBKdocument.

This guide does not replace in any way the outstanding value of the CISSP Seminar and the fact that you must have been involved into the security field for at least a few years if you intend to take the CISSP exam. This booklet simply intend to make your life easier and to provide you with a centralized resource for this particular domain of expertise.

This guide was created by Clement Dupuis on 5th April 1999



As with any security related topic, this is a living document that will and must evolve as other people read it and technology evolves. Please feel free to send me comments or input to be added to this document. Any comments, typo correction, etc… are most welcome and can be send directly to:



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Operations Security


Description :

Operations security is used to identify the controls over hardware, media, and the operators with access privileges to any of these resources.


Expected Knowledge :

The professional should fully understand :


The CISSP can meet the expectations defined above by understanding such Operations Security key areas of knowledge as :

Examples of Knowledgeability

CISSP Seminar Definition :

Hardware and Software elements and procedures to enable authorized access and prevent unauthorized access.

Glossary Definition :

Security safeguards designed to detect and prevent unauthorized access, and to permit authorized access in an IT product.


CISSP Seminar Definition :

Controlling modifications to system Hardware, Firmware, Software, and Documentation.

Protect against improper modification.

Glossary Definition :

The management of security features and assurances through control of changes made to a system’s hardware, software, firmware, documentation, test, test fixtures, and test documentation throughout the development and operational life of a system.


CISSP Seminar Definition :

Establishing actions to be taken before, during, and after threatening incident.

Includes documented and tested procedures.

Ensure availability of critical systems

Maintain continuity of operations


CISSP Seminar Definition :

Documented actions for emergency response, backup operations, and post-disaster recovery.

Glossary Definition :

A plan for emergency response, backup operations, and post-disaster recovery maintained by an activity as a part of its security program that will ensure the availability of critical resources and facilitate the continuity of operations in an emergency situation. Synonymous with "disaster plan" and "emergency plan."

CISSP Seminar Definition :

Maintenance of essential DP services after major outage.


CISSP Seminar Definition :

Controls over Hardware, Media, and Operators with access

Protects against asset threats

Baseline or selective mechanism


CISSP Seminar Definition :

Recovery procedures are actions to restore Data Processing capability after outage/disruption.

Possible recovery procedures are :

Reboot System, Get running in single-user mode

Recover all files systems active at time of failure

Restore missing/damaged files and database from most recent backup

Check Security Critical Files

From the YELLOW book :

Types of System Recovery

Operating systems' responses to failures can be classified into three general categories: (1) system reboot, (2) emergency system restart, and (3) system cold start [14].

System reboot is performed after shutting down the system in a controlled manner in response to a TCB failure. For example, when the TCB detects the exhaustion of

space in some of its critical tables, or finds inconsistent object data structures, it closes all objects, aborts all active user processes, and restarts with no user process in execution. Before restart, however, the recovery mechanisms make a best effort to correct the source of inconsistency. Occasionally, the mere termination of all processes frees up some important resources, allowing restart with enough resources available. Note that system rebooting is useful when the recovery mechanisms can determine that TCB and user data structures affecting system security and integrity are, in fact, in a consistent state.

Emergency system restart is done after a system fails in an uncontrolled manner in response to a TCB or media failure. In such cases, TCB and user objects on nonvolatile storage belonging to processes active at the time of TCB or media failure may be left in an inconsistent state. The system enters maintenance mode, recovery is performed automatically, and the system restarts with no user processes in progress after bringing up the system in a consistent state.

System cold start takes place when unexpected TCB or media failures take place and the recovery procedures cannot bring the system to a consistent state. TCB and user objects may remain in an inconsistent state following attempts to recover automatically. Intervention of administrative personnel is now required to bring the system to a consistent state from maintenance mode.


CISSP Seminar Definition :

Boundary where security controls protects assets.

Glossary Definition :

Boundary where security controls are in effect to protects assets.


CISSP Seminar :

System and all peripherals protected IAW requirements for highest security level of material in system. Personnel with access have security clearance but not need-to-know.

DOD, Yellow Book at describe it as :

The mode of operation in which system hardware/software is only trusted to provide need-to-know protection between users. In this mode, the entire system, to include all components electrically and/or physically connected, must operate with security measures commensurate with the highest classification and sensitivity of the information being processed and/or stored. All system users in this environment must possess clearances and authorizations for all information contained in the system, and all system output must be clearly marked with the highest classification and all system caveats, until the information has been reviewed manually by an authorized individual to ensure appropriate classifications and caveats have been affixed.

The National Security Institude ( defines it as :

Iinformation that is protected at the highest classification level of the data in the system, the system-high level. Thus, the information is not readily accessible by persons not cleared to the system-high level, even though the information being sought may be of a lower classification level and thereby releasable to the requester.




CISSP Seminar :

The three critical Aspects of Operations Controls are

1. Resource Protection, 2. Privileged-entity control, 3. Hardware Control


NOTE : I am not sure what they want from this question???

Glossary Definition :

Threat : an action or event that might prejudice security (ITSEC)

Threat : Sequence of circumstances and events that allows a (human or other) agent to cause and information-related misfortune by exploiting a vulnerability in a system operation, or facility (NCSC TG-004 – Teal Green Book)

Vulnerability :

A weakness in system security procedures, system design, implementation, internal controls, that could be exploited to violate system security policy. (NCSC TG-004)


NIST pub 800-111 :

Threat :

A threat is an accidental or deliberate action, event, or condition with the potential to compromise the quality, utility, or functionality of network services and operations. A threat is the result of the exploitation of a vulnerability. For example, if a system is vulnerable because a default password is used, then it is a potential threat that an unauthorized user could exploit the vulnerability of the default password and impersonate another user. Some of threats are :

Denial of Service

Impersonating a User

Disclosure of Information

Message Stream or Data Modification

Traffic analysis


CISSP Seminar :


CISSP Seminar :


CISSP Seminar :


CISSP Seminar :


CISSP Seminar :


CISSP Seminar :


CISSP Seminar :

Hardware/area locks and alarms


CISSP Seminar :

Data Center

CISSP Seminar :

Authorizes changes to production systems

Uses input from problem management to initiate changes.

Security function can block a change

Should be extended to include network hardware and servers


CISSP Seminar :

The NIST Handbook, Page 34 list the following :



CISSP Seminar :

The Operator and administrator functions must be separated because Combination of functions creates greater security risks. The rotation of duties is used to interrupt opportunity to create collusion to subvert operation for fraudulent purposes.

Brown Book :

The primary purpose behind the separation of the Operator and Administrator functions is to limit the potential damage that untrusted, or errant, code can inflict on the information the TCB uses to enforce the security policy. Any code executed with Operator or Administrator privileges has the ability to change the TCB data structures, thus affecting the enforcement of policy. Through the application of the principal of least privilege and the separation of Operator and Administrator functions so that they are prevented from executing untrusted code, the TCB data structures can be protected. The principle of least privilege requires that each subject be granted the most restrictive set of privileges needed for the specific task. In the case of the operator and administrator functions, the privileges need to be established at a low level of granularity so that the proceses that

implement those functions do not have unnecessary privileges.


CISSP Seminar :

System must support separate operator and administrator roles (b2)

System must clearly identify functions of security administrator to perform security-related functions (B3 and A1)



CISSP Seminar :

Before allowing user access



I could not find references to backup the last two questions. Feel free to fill in the blank space.