Microsoft® Windows® 2000:
Active Directory Disaster Recovery
Paige Verwolf
Support Professional

What Is the Active Directory?
Microsoft® Active Directory™ is Microsoft’s implementation of Directory Services

Database Files
Log files
Circular versus non-circular logging
Defaults to circular logging
Two Res.log files – Res1.log, Res2.log

Database Write Operation
1. Write to log
2. Write to memory
3. Confirm transaction
4. Write to Ntds.dit

Database and Log Files
Performance recommendation:
Put system, database, and log files on three different hard disk drives.
Keep database (DIT) and logs on different drives. This is important to ensure that recoverability is possible.
Always use mirrored drives.

System Failure and Recovery
After restarting, the system performs a soft recovery
Goes through log files, starting at the checkpoint and replays the transactions (ending with those in Edb.log).
If Edb.chk is not available, it starts at the first available log file and compares the transactions.

Deleting Objects
Deleting object creates a tombstone.
Object moved to a specific container
Used to replicate deletion process
Object still in the database
Physically deleted after tombstone lifetime expires
Enterprise-wide setting
CN=Directory Service, CN=Windows NT, CN=Services, and so on.
Remember: Tombstone lifetime = backup lifetime
How does the database release space again?

Garbage Collection
Housekeeping process that frees up space
Deletes unnecessary log files
Based on last checkpoint
Database defragmentation
Runs on each domain controller independently
Interval configurable (12 hours by default)

Database Fragmentation
Defragmentation is moving data to fill database pages more efficiently
Two ways to defragment
Online defragmentation
Runs as part of garbage collection
Does not shrink database file
Offline defragmentation
Run Ntdsutil.exe
Shrinks database file
DC has to be taken offline
Only recommended after converting GC server DC to normal DC

Online Defragmentation
Performed automatically every 12 hours by default.
Pages are defragmented leaving room for new data.
Does not reduce the size of the DIT file.

Offline Defragmentation
Use NTDSUTIL Files Compact option to defragment and compress Active Directory database
New DIT files results
Data from old DIT written to new DIT
Parameter to this procedure is the directory (do not include file name) to store compacted DIT
Example: compact to c:\compacted
Requires either copying the compacted DIT file over existing DIT, or changing the current path
New Database Signature Created

Boot into Directory Services Restore Mode. (Remember Administrator account from local SAM is now in use, not Active Directory.)
Backend is ESENTUTL
Use Files Info to get general directory information.

Using NTDSUTIL (2)
Use Files Header to view backup, restore, general data:
dbTime – USN concept (also associated with each change)
State – Consistent when last shut down?
Previous Full Backup – time/date of last backup
DB Signature – matched to log files
Repair Count – Clue as to history of DIT

Using NTDSUTIL (3)
Checks checksums for pages/tables in DIT file and rebuilds indexes in a temporary file (Temp.edb) and compares it to actual DIT

Backing Up the
Active Directory Database
The Active Directory can be backed up and restored using Windows 2000 Backup system tool.

System State
Active Directory can be backed up and restored using the system state option in the Windows 2000 Backup tool.
State Data includes the following:
COM+ Class Registration Database
System Boot Files
Certificate Server (if installed)
Active Directory
System Volume folder
Note: All of the components of the system state are backed up and restored together. There is no option to choose individual components.

Online Backup
Windows NT® Backup provides only full online backup of the Active Directory
No partial backups (only backing up incremental log files to bring the database up to date)
Changes made while backup is occurring are recorded in a patch file (raw data)

Offline Backup
Extensible Storage Engine (ESE/Jet) is shut down and the database will be in a consistent state
Only required to copy DIT file
All data is already committed
Jet will automatically create log files when initialized next

Backup Process
Must be an administrator or backup operator
Use the wizard
Select Backup the Active Directory

Verifying Backup
Why verify?
How do I verify?
Events logged to the application logs after backup:
8009 – informational
8009 - error
Backup logs

Restoring the Active Directory
Restore to the Active Directory must be done offline, booting into Directory Services Restore mode.
If any of the following conditions are not met, the system state is not restored. Backup attempts to restore the system state, but does not succeed.
The server name must be identical to the backed up server name.
The drive letter on which the %SystemRoot% folder is located must be the same as when it was backed up.
 The %SystemRoot% folder must be the same folder as when it was backed up.
 If Sysvol or other Active Directory databases are located on another volume, they must exist and have the same drive letters also. The size of the volume does not matter.

Restoring Active Directory from Backup
By default, circular logging is enabled
This means that only a full backup can be restored
Log files have probably wrapped and cannot be replayed out of sequence; this would require having the log files created since the time of the backup
This will recover changes to the time of the backup; the remainder of changes will get replicated in again from AD replication
Does not matter if log files are lost

How Does Restoring a
Backup Impact Replication?
The invocationID (database GUID) attribute on a server gets a new value after it is restored to identify that the computer does not have the same data as it did before.
This comes into play when other computers try to replicate from it. The restored database is treated as a different replica to other domain controllers.

Authoritative vs. Non-Authoritative Restores

Authoritative Restore with NTDSUTIL
After the data has been restored, use NTDSUTIL to perform the Authoritative Restore. The following options are available in the NTDSUTIL when you perform an Authoritative Restore on the database.
Restore Database - Authoritatively restore the entire database
Restore Database verinc %d - ... override version increase
Restore Subtree %s - Authoritatively restore a subtree
Restore Subtree %s verinc %d - ... and override version increase
Note: The default USN increase is 100,000 unless the override option is used..

Impact of Authoritative Restore on
Trusts and Computer Accounts
Trust relationships and computer account passwords are negotiated at a specified interval (every seven days by default, except for computer accounts that can be disabled by the administrator).
During an Authoritative Restore, a previously used password for the objects in the Active Directory that maintain trust relationships and computer accounts can be restored.
Trust Relationships - this may void communication with other domain controllers from other domains.
Computer Account Password - this may void communications between the member workstation or server and a domain controller of its domain.

Backup of the Active Directory
Has 60-Day Useful Life
Windows 2000 prohibits the restoring of old backup images into a replicated enterprise. Specifically, the useful life of a backup is identical to the “tombstone lifetime” setting for the enterprise. The default value for the tombstone lifetime entry is 60 days. This value can be set on the Directory Service (NTDS) config object.

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