Article Number

The amdgpu-pro graphics stack is recommended for use with Radeon™ Pro graphics products. Use of amdgpu is recommended for all other products.

Note: The instructions below are intended for use with systems running Ubuntu or RedHat/CentOS. They have been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.3 and mix of RedHat 7.4, RedHat 7.3 and CentOS 6.9.

Installation Instructions for amdgpu All Open Graphics Stack


  • Download the amdgpu-pro tar archive containing the installation script (eg. to ~/Downloads).
  • Extract the archive to a known location (Please replace the "NNNNNN" in the following commands with the actual build number of the downloaded file.)
    cd ~/Downloads
    tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro-17.50-NNNNNN.tar.xz
  • Enter the directory where the downloaded archive was extracted (this is expected to be the same name as the archive file).
    cd ~/Downloads/amdgpu-pro-17.50-NNNNNN


  1. Install the All Open Graphics stack:

    ./amdgpu-install –y
  2. Reboot


  1. Removal of all components is accomplished by simply running the uninstall script from anywhere in the system.

  2. Reboot

Installation Instructions for amdgpu-pro Graphics Stack


  1. Download the amdgpu-pro tar archive containing the installation script (eg. to ~/Downloads).
  2. Extract the archive to a known location (Please replace the "NNNNNN" in the following commands with the actual build number of the downloaded file.)

    cd ~/Downloads
    tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro-17.50-NNNNNN.tar.xz
  3. Enter the directory where the downloaded archive was extracted (this is expected to be the same name as the archive file).

    cd ~/Downloads/amdgpu-pro-17.50-NNNNNN

Note (RedHat Only Pre-Install): An internet connection will be required if EPEL is not found and Red Hat or CentOS installation media from a DVD, USB key or a mounted ISO will be required if the system does not have an active Red Hat or CentOS Subscription.

The AMDGPU-Pro driver requires access to specific RPMs from Red Hat or CentOS installation media as well as Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) for purposes of dependency resolution. A script named will confirm that all required prerequisite files and repositories are available in order to successfully install the AMDGPU-Pro driver in the Red Hat or CentOS environment. It can be run as follows:

sh –check

This will check if the required repositories are available to ensure a smooth installation. If there are any warnings, the script can be executed again without any options to build the necessary repositories.



Within the Complete Graphics and Compute Stack, newer hardware will require a different OpenCL component to be installed. Please choose the correct install based on your installed Graphics product.

Vega10 and newer cards

  1. Install the Complete Graphics and Compute stack

    ./amdgpu-pro-install -y --opencl=rocm
  2. Reboot

Pre Vega10

  1. Install the Complete Graphics and Compute stack

    ./amdgpu-pro-install -y --opencl=legacy
  2. Reboot


  1. Removal of all components is accomplished by simply running the uninstall script from anywhere in the system:

  2. Reboot

amdgpu Graphics Stack Installation Options

The amdgpu Graphics Stack provides two scripts (amdgpu-install and amdgpu-pro-install) to help you install a coherent set of stack components. Both of these scripts support the same set of arguments, which will be detailed in this file. Although all the examples below show script invoked as amdgpu-install, the same arguments can be used with amdgpu-pro-install.

Option Summary

Here is presented the help provided directly from the script. It can be displayed on the command line by running the script with the -h or --help argument.

amdgpu-install -h


-h|--help  Display this help message
--px    PX platform support
--online  Force installation from an online repository
--version=VERSION  Install the specified driver VERSION
--pro  Install "pro" support (legacy OpenGL and Vulkan)
--opencl=legacy      Install legacy OpenCL support
--opencl=rocm      Install ROCm OpenCL support
--opencl=legacy,rocm    Install both legacy and ROCm OpenCL support
--headless  Headless installation (only OpenCL support)
--compute  (DEPRECATED) Equal to --opencl=legacy --headless

Unless the -h|--help option is given, 'apt-get' or 'aptitude' options may be present.

Unless headless installation is requested, OpenGL support will be installed.

When installing from an online repository, it is assumed the repository has been properly configured.

Installation of the specified version is always performed from an online repository.


Non-Interactive Install

Using the argument -y informs the package management system to assume a yes answer for any interactive questions. This option allows the installation script to be itself embedded inside other automated scripts. Example usage:

amdgpu-install –y


OpenGL is an integral part of the Graphics Stack and unless headless installation is requested, OpenGL support will be installed.


OpenCL is an optional component of the Graphics Stack and is only installed if specifically requested. Two different implementations of OpenCL (legacy & rocm) are provided and can be installed side-by-side on the target system. Some examples below:

amdgpu-install --opencl=legacy

amdgpu-install --opencl=rocm

amdgpu-install --opencl=legacy,rocm


Vulkan support can be installed by using the --pro argument.:

amdgpu-install –pro

PX platform support

To enable PowerExpress support, use the px argument as follows:

amdgpu-install –px

Install from Server

--online                            Force installation from an online repository

--version=VERSION        Install the specified driver VERSION

Headless Installation

--headless               Headless installation (only OpenCL support)

Specific Package Management

More advanced functionality can be obtained by providing the installation script with arguments to pass through to the package management software of the operating system you are using. Users of Ubuntu and Redhat would use apt and yum respectively. For more information on these packages, see their man pages.

Running OCL/Vulkan applications outside an X session

Ensure that your user account is a member of the "video" group prior to using the OCL/Vulkan driver. You can find which groups you are a member of with the following command:

To add yourself to the video group you will need sudo privileges; you can issue the following command:

sudo usermod -a -G video $LOGNAME 

You will need to log out and in again to activate this change.