
Unmount filesystems. Remove a special device or the remote node (rhost:path) from the filesystem tree at the point node. If either special or node are not provided, the appropriate information is taken from the fstab(5) file.

      umount [-fv] special | node

      umount -a | -A [-fv] [-h host] [-t type]

     -a	     All the filesystems described in fstab(5) are unmounted.

     -A	     All the currently mounted filesystems except the root are

     -f	     The filesystem is forcibly unmounted.  Active special devices
	     continue to work, but all other files return errors if further
	     accesses are attempted.  The root filesystem cannot be forcibly

     -h host
	     Only filesystems mounted from the specified host will be
	     unmounted.	 This option is implies the -A option and, unless oth-
	     erwise specified with the -t option, will only unmount NFS

     -t type
	     Is used to indicate the actions should only be taken on filesys-
	     tems of the specified type.  More than one type may be specified
	     in a comma separated list.	 The list of filesystem types can be
	     prefixed with ``no'' to specify the filesystem types for which
	     action should not be taken.  For example, the umount command:

		   umount -a -t nfs,hfs

	     umounts all filesystems of the type NFS and HFS.

     -v	     Verbose, additional information is printed out as each filesystem
	     is unmounted.

     /etc/fstab	 filesystem table

“Be nice to people on the way up, because you'll meet them on your way down” - Wilson Mizner


umount man page -
hdiutil - manipulate disk images
- Mount a file system
fstab(5) -

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