Environment variables

       AFSUSER (+)
	       Equivalent to the afsuser shell variable.

       COLUMNS The number of columns in the terminal.

       DISPLAY Used by X Window System.  If set, the shell does not set autologout (q.v.)

       EDITOR  The pathname to a default editor.  See also the VISUAL environ-
	       ment variable and the run-fg-editor editor command.

       GROUP (+)
	       Equivalent to the group shell variable.

       HOME    Equivalent to the home shell variable.

       HOST (+)
	       Initialized  to	the  name of the machine on which the shell is
	       running, as determined by the gethostname(2) system call.

       HOSTTYPE (+)
	       Initialized to the type of machine on which the shell  is  run-
	       ning, as determined at compile time.  This variable is obsolete
	       and will be removed in a future version.

       HPATH (+)
	       A colon-separated list of directories  in  which	 the  run-help

	       editor command looks for command documentation.

       LANG    Gives the preferred character environment.

	       If set, only ctype character handling is changed.

       LINES   The number of lines in the terminal.

	       The format of this variable is reminiscent  of  the  termcap(5)
	       file  format; a colon-separated list of expressions of the form
	       "xx=string", where "xx" is a two-character variable name.   The
	       variables with their associated defaults are:

		   no	0      Normal (non-filename) text
		   fi	0      Regular file
		   di	01;34  Directory
		   ln	01;36  Symbolic link
		   pi	33     Named pipe (FIFO)
		   so	01;35  Socket
		   do	01;35  Door
		   bd	01;33  Block device
		   cd	01;32  Character device
		   ex	01;32  Executable file
		   mi	(none) Missing file (defaults to fi)
		   or	(none) Orphaned symbolic link (defaults to ln)
		   lc	^[[    Left code
		   rc	m      Right code
		   ec	(none) End code (replaces lc+no+rc)

	       You  need to include only the variables you want to change from
	       the default.

	       File names can also be colorized based on  filename  extension.
	       This  is	 specified  in the LS_COLORS variable using the syntax
	       "*ext=string".  For example, using ISO 6429 codes, to color all
	       C-language  source files blue you would specify "*.c=34".  This
	       would color all files ending in .c in blue (34) color.

	       Control characters can be  written  either  in  C-style-escaped
	       notation,  or  in  stty-like  ^-notation.  The C-style notation
	       adds ^[ for Escape, _ for a normal space character, and	?  for
	       Delete.	 In  addition,	the ^[ escape character can be used to
	       override the default interpretation of ^[, ^, : and =.

	       Each file will be written as <lc> <color-code> <rc>  <filename>

	       <ec>.   If  the	<ec> code is undefined, the sequence <lc> <no>
	       <rc> will be used instead.  This is generally  more  convenient
	       to  use,	 but  less general.  The left, right and end codes are
	       provided so you don't have to type common parts over  and  over
	       again  and  to  support weird terminals; you will generally not
	       need to change them at all unless your terminal	does  not  use
	       ISO 6429 color sequences but a different system.

	       If your terminal does use ISO 6429 color codes, you can compose
	       the type codes (i.e., all except the lc, rc, and ec codes) from
	       numerical  commands  separated  by semicolons.  The most common
	       commands are:

		       0   to restore default color
		       1   for brighter colors
		       4   for underlined text
		       5   for flashing text
		       30  for black foreground
		       31  for red foreground
		       32  for green foreground
		       33  for yellow (or brown) foreground
		       34  for blue foreground
		       35  for purple foreground
		       36  for cyan foreground
		       37  for white (or gray) foreground
		       40  for black background
		       41  for red background
		       42  for green background
		       43  for yellow (or brown) background
		       44  for blue background
		       45  for purple background
		       46  for cyan background
		       47  for white (or gray) background

	       Not all commands will work on all systems or display devices.

	       A few terminal programs do not recognize the default  end  code
	       properly.   If all text gets colorized after you do a directory
	       listing, try changing the no and fi codes from 0 to the numeri-
	       cal codes for your standard fore- and background colors.

       MACHTYPE (+)
	       The  machine  type  (microprocessor class or machine model), as
	       determined at compile time.

       NOREBIND (+)
	       If set, printable characters are not  rebound  to  self-insert-

       OSTYPE (+)
	       The operating system, as determined at compile time.

       PATH    A colon-separated list of directories in which to look for exe-
	       cutables.  Equivalent to the path shell variable, but in a dif-
	       ferent format.
          In tcsh edit the ~/.tcshrc file and add a line like
              set path = ( $path /Developer/Tools )
             tcsh will then update 'PATH' based on 'path'
          In bash edit the ~/.profile file and add a line like
              export PATH="$PATH:/Developer/Tools"

       PWD (+) Equivalent  to  the cwd shell variable, but not synchronized to
	       it; updated only after an actual directory change.

       REMOTEHOST (+)
	       The host from which the user has logged in remotely, if this is
	       the  case  and  the shell is able to determine it.  Set only if
	       the shell was so compiled; see the version shell variable.

       SHLVL (+)
	       Equivalent to the shlvl shell variable.

       SYSTYPE (+)
	       The current system type.	 (Domain/OS only)

       TERM    Equivalent to the term shell variable.

       TERMCAP The terminal capability string.

       USER    Equivalent to the user shell variable.

       VENDOR  The vendor, as determined at compile time.

       VISUAL  The pathname to a default full-screen  editor.	See  also  the
	       EDITOR  environment  variable and the run-fg-editor editor com-


OS X Syntax
env - List or Set environment variables

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