security cms

   cms [-C|-D|-E|-S] [options...]
            Encode or decode CMS messages.
            -C              create a CMS encrypted message
            -D              decode a CMS message
            -E              create a CMS enveloped message
            -S              create a CMS signed message

            Decoding options:
            -c content      use this detached content file
            -h level        generate email headers with info about CMS message (output level >= 0)
            -n              suppress output of content

            Encoding options:
            -r id,...       create envelope for comma-delimited list of recipients, where id can be a certificate
                            nickname or email address
            -G              include a signing time attribute
            -H hash         hash = MD2|MD4|MD5|SHA1|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512 (default: SHA1)
            -N nick         use certificate named "nick" for signing
            -P              include a SMIMECapabilities attribute
            -T              do not include content in CMS message
            -Y nick         include an EncryptionKeyPreference attribute with certificate (use "NONE" to
            -Z hash         find a certificate by subject key ID

            Common options:
            -e envelope     specify envelope file (valid with -D or -E)
            -k keychain     specify keychain to use
            -i infile       use infile as source of data (default: stdin)
            -o outfile      use outfile as destination of data (default: stdout)
            -p password     use password as key db password (default: prompt)
            -s              pass data a single byte at a time to CMS
            -u certusage    set type of certificate usage (default: certUsageEmailSigner)
            -v              print debugging information

            Cert usage codes:
                              0 - certUsageSSLClient
                              1 - certUsageSSLServer
                              2 - certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp
                              3 - certUsageSSLCA
                              4 - certUsageEmailSigner
                              5 - certUsageEmailRecipient
                              6 - certUsageObjectSigner
                              7 - certUsageUserCertImport
                              8 - certUsageVerifyCA
                              9 - certUsageProtectedObjectSigner
                             10 - certUsageStatusResponder
                             11 - certUsageAnyCA

            Install (or re-install) the Module Directory Services (MDS) database. This is a system tool
            which is not normally used by users. There are no options.

“The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble” ~ Henry Miller (The Rosy Crucifixion I )


security - Administer Keychains, keys, certificates and the Security framework.

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