ntfs.util (/System/Library/Filesystems/ntfs.fs/ntfs.util)

NTFS file system utility, supports the mounting, probing, and unmounting of NTFS file systems.

      ntfs.util -k device

      ntfs.util -m device mountpoint mountflag1 mountflag2 mountflag3 mountflag4

      ntfs.util -p device mountflag1 mountflag2

      ntfs.util -u device mountpoint

    -k   Get the UUID key for the NTFS file system at device.

    -m   Mount the NTFS file system located on device onto
         mountpoint with the flags mountflag1 mountflag2
         mountflag3 mountflag4.

    -p   Probe the device for an NTFS file system using the
         flags mountflag1 mountflag2.  If the probe is successful
         i.e. the device contains a valid NTFS file system,
         its label is printed to the standard output stream.

    -u   Unmount the NTFS file system located at device and
         mounted on mountpoint.

The mountflags referenced above are:
    •   mountflag1: removable or fixed
    •   mountflag2: readonly or writeable
    •   mountflag3: suid or nosuid
    •   mountflag4: dev or nodev

To get a list of the available attributes for use in constructing queries, see mdimport(1), particularly the -X switch.

“He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast” - Leonardo da Vinci


hfs.util - HFS/HFS+ file system utility (Mount/unmount)
ufs.util - UFS file system utility (Mount/unmount)

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