
Install binaries.
The file(s) are copied to the target file or directory. If the destination is a directory, then the file is copied into directory with its original filename. If the target file already exists, it is either renamed to file.old if the -b option is given or overwritten if permissions allow. An alternate backup suffix may be specified via the -B option's argument.

     install [-bCcMpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags]
                [-g group] [-m mode]
	           [-o owner] Sourcefile1 Destinationfile2

     install [-bCcMpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags]
                [-g group] [-m mode]
	           [-o owner] file1 ... fileN directory

     install -d [-v] [-g group] [-m mode]
                [-o owner] directory ...

The 3 variants above install either a single SOURCE file to DEST target
or copy multiple SOURCE files to the destination. In the last variant,
each DIRECTORY (and any missing parent directories) is created.

     -b	     Back up any existing files before overwriting them by renaming
	     them to file.old.	See -B for specifying a different backup suffix.

     -B suffix
	     Use suffix as the backup suffix if -b is given.

     -C	     Copy the file.  If the target file already exists and the files
	     are the same, then don't change the modification time of the target.

     -c	     Copy the file.  This is actually the default.  The -c option is
	     only included for backwards compatibility.

     -d	     Create directories.  Missing parent directories are created as required.

     -f	     Specify the target's file flags; see chflags(1) for a list of
	     possible flags and their meanings.

     -g	     Specify a group.  A numeric GID is allowed.

     -M	     Disable all use of mmap(2).

     -m	     Specify an alternate mode.	 The default mode is set to rwxr-xr-x
	     (0755).  The specified mode may be either an octal or symbolic
	     value; see chmod(1) for a description of possible mode values.

     -o	     Specify an owner.	A numeric UID is allowed.

     -p	     Preserve the modification time.  Copy the file, as if the -C
	     (compare and copy) option is specified, except if the target file
	     doesn't already exist or is different, then preserve the modifi-
	     cation time of the file.

     -S	     Safe copy.	 Normally, install unlinks an existing target before
	     installing the new file.  With the -S flag a temporary file is
	     used and then renamed to be the target.  The reason this is safer
	     is that if the copy or rename fails, the existing target is left

     -s	     install exec's the command strip(1) to strip binaries so that
	     install can be portable over a large number of systems and binary

     -v	     Causes install to show when -C actually installs something.

By default, install preserves all file flags, with the exception of the `nodump' flag.

The install utility attempts to prevent moving a file onto itself. Installing /dev/null creates an empty file.

“SysAdmins can't be sued for malpractice but surgeons don't have to deal with patients who install new versions of their own innards”


install man page -
chflags - Change a file or folder's flags.
chgrp - Change group ownership
chmod - Change access permissions
cp - Copy one or more files to another location
mv - Move or rename files or directories
strip(1), mmap(2),
chown - Change file owner and group

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