
Display disk usage statistics.
Lists the file system usage for individual files, if a folder argument is passed argument, du will list usage for each sub folder in that hierarchy. If no file is specified, the current folder (hierarchy) is displayed.

      du [-H | -L | -P] 
            [-a | -s | -d depth] [-c]
               [-h | -k | -m | -g]
                  [-x] [-I mask]
                     [file ...]

   -H    Symbolic links on the command line are followed, symbolic links
	      in file hierarchies are not followed.

   -L    Symbolic links on the command line and in file hierarchies are

   -P    No symbolic links are followed (default)

   -a    Display an entry for each file in a file hierarchy.

   -s    Display an entry for each specified file.	(Equivalent to -d 0)

   -d depth
         Display an entry for all files and folders depth folders deep.

   -h   "Human-readable" output.  Use unit suffixes: Byte, Kilobyte,
         Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte and Petabyte

   -k    KB Display block counts in 1024-byte (1-Kbyte) blocks.

   -m    MB Display block counts in 1048576-byte (1-Mbyte) blocks.

   -g    GB Display block counts in 1073741824-byte (1-Gbyte) blocks.

   -r    Generate any read error messages, on by default, this option
         exists solely for conformance with X/Open Portability Guide 4

   -c    Display a grand total.

   -x    File system mount points are not traversed.

   -I mask
         Ignore files and folders matching the specified mask.

The du utility counts the storage used by symbolic links and not the files they reference unless the -H or -L option is specified. If either the -H or -L options are specified, storage used by any symbolic links which are followed is not counted or displayed.

Files having multiple hard links are counted (and displayed) a single time per du execution.

If the -k flag is specified, the number of 1024-byte blocks used by the file is displayed, otherwise getbsize(3) is used to determine the preferred block size. Partial numbers of blocks are rounded up.


List files and folders - totalling the size to include subfolders:

du -sk * | sort -nr

List folders and hidden (system folders) - totalling the size to include subfolders:

du -d 1 . | sort -nr


If the environment variable BLOCKSIZE is set, and the -k option is not specified, the block counts will be displayed in units of that size block. If BLOCKSIZE is not set, and the -k option is not specified, the block counts will be displayed in 512-byte blocks. .

“Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died” - Erma Bombeck


du man page - Apple.com
df - Display free disk space
ln - Make links between files (hard links, symbolic links)
quota - Display disk usage and limits
open - open a file or folder
fts(3), compat(5), symlink(7), quot(8)

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