
Interact with CD/DVD burners: burn, eject, erase.

      drutil [-drive ...] command [command-options-and-arguments]


Each command is listed below with its description and individual arguments. Drive selection arguments must appear at the beginning of the command.

     -drive drive(s)
                Specify a drive or drives, per the output of list, for those verbs that can operate
                on one or more drives.  See the Drive Selection Criterion section below.

     help verb  Display the usage information for the specified verb.

     atip       Display the Absolute Time in Pre-Groove (ATIP) for inserted CD-R/RW media.

     bulkerase type
                Start bulk erase mode, in which the drive will continually erase inserted -RW media, eject
                it, and prompt for another disc until terminated.

                Types of erase:
                quick    Performs a quick erase, doing the minimal amount of work to make the disc appear
                         blank. This operation typically takes only a minute or two.

                full     Performs a complete erase, erasing every block on the disk. This operation is slow
                         (on the order of 30 minutes) to complete.

     burn options path
                Burn a valid directory or image file to disc. The default is to burn the specified directory
                to a new filesystem. The -audio option creates an audio CD (redbook) in which any valid
                QuickTime audio file present in the path is converted to a track (in alphabetical order). If
                a file is specified (valid image files only: .dmg, .iso, .cue/bin, and .toc) the contents of
                the image file are burned. Pre-burn and post-burn options, and filesystem exclusions can be
                specificed for enhanced functionality. Last option takes precedence. Invalid commands are

                path     A valid path to a directory or file.

                options  Specify an arbitrary valid burn option(s): -test, -appendable, -erase, -mount,
                         -noverify, -nohfsplus, -noiso9660, -nojoliet, -noudf, -nofs, -audio, -speed,
                         -pregap.  Or specify a default burn option: -notest, -noappendable, -noerase,
                         -allfs, -hfsplus, -iso9660, -joliet, -udf, -data, -eject, -verify.

                Read and display any CD-Text information reported by the drive. The drive must contain an
                audio CD, and be capable of reading CD-Text.

     discinfo [-xml]
                Display detailed information about present media.
                From the MMC command of the same name.

     dumpiso device block [format]
                Tool to inspect and interpret ISO-9660 and Joliet structures on the media.

                device   Disk node, e.g. /dev/disk1, /dev/disk1s1, /dev/rdisk1.

                block    Block number to dump (in decimal or 0x hex notation). Blocks are assumed to be
                         2048-byte blocks.

                format   How to interpret the block. If format is not specified, dumpiso will attempt to
                         guess.  If present, this argument should be one of the following: None, Boot,
                         BootCat, PVD, SVD, VPD, VDST, MPath, LPath, Dir, HFSPlusVH.

     dumpudf device block
                Tool to inspect and interpret UDF structures on the media.

                device   Disk node, e.g. /dev/disk1, /dev/disk1s1, /dev/rdisk1.

                block    Block number to dump (in decimal or 0x hex notation). Blocks are assumed to be
                         2048-byte blocks.

     eject      Synonym for drutil tray eject.

     erase type
                Erase -RW media in the drive(s) and eject it.

                Types of erase:
                quick    Perform a quick erase, doing the minimal amount of work to make the disc appear
                         blank. This operation typically takes only a minute or two.

                full     Perform a complete erase, erasing every block on the disk. This operation is slow
                         (on the order of 30 minutes) to complete.

     filename name
                Shows how the specified filename will be modified to comply with the naming rules of the
                filesystems that DiscRecording generates.

     getconfig type
                Displays device feature and profile list.

                Types of config information:
                current  Displays current features and profiles for a drive.

                supported Displays all supported features and profiles for a drive.

     info [-xml]
                Display various pieces of information for each drive, including how it's connected to the
                computer and a summary of capabilities.

     list [-xml]
                List all burning devices connected to the machine.

     poll       Display device and media notifications until terminated.

     size options path
                Estimates the size of a valid directory or image file (in blocks). The default is to estimate
                the size of the specified path as a hybrid filesystem. The -audio option calculates the
                contents of the directory as an audio CD (redbook) (for applicable files). If a file is
                specified (valid image files only: .dmg, .iso, .cue/bin, and .toc) the contents of the image
                file will be calculated. Filesystem exclusions can be specificed for enhanced functionality.
                Calculated size will be compared against blank media that is found unless the -nodrive argument
                is specified. Last option takes precedence. Invalid commands are ignored.

                path     A valid path to a directory or file.

                options  Specify an arbitrary valid burn option(s): -nodrive, -nohfsplus, -noiso9660,
                         -nojoliet, -noudf, -nofs, -audio, -pregap.  Or specify a default burn option:
                         -allfs, -hfsplus, -iso9660, -joliet, -udf, -data.

     status [-xml]
                Display detailed media-specific information.

                Display information from the subchannels on CD media. This prints the MCN (media catalog
                number) for the disc, and the ISRC (international standard recording code) for all tracks.
                This command only works when CD media is present.

                From the MMC command of the same name.

                Display the table of contents (TOC) of inserted media.

     trackinfo [-xml]
                Display detailed information about all tracks present on the media.

                From the MMC command of the same name.

     tray command
                Perform a tray/media related command. Note that some drives do not have trays, and some
                have trays but may lack motorized eject or inject capability.

                Tray commands:
                open     Opens a drive's tray, if no media is present and the drive has a tray capable of
                         motorized eject.

                close    Closes a drive's tray, if the drive has a tray capable of motorized inject.

                eject    Ejects media from the drive, if the drive has a tray capable of motorized eject. If
                         no media is present, this is equivalent to open.  If media is present and can be
                         unmounted, it will be unmounted and then ejected.  If media is present but cannot
                         be unmounted, the eject will fail.

     version    Display the operating system and DiscRecording framework version numbers.

                When specified (valid options only: discinfo, info, list, status, and trackinfo) the output
                for the specified verb will be shown in xml format.

Drive Selection Criteria
Some functions of drutil operate on a specific drive. Since any number of drives may be available, and they may come and go at any time, the device selection arguments provide a method for selecting among them.

The candidate list starts out as a list of all attached drives. One or more arguments of the form -drive drive(s) may be specified. Each argument has the effect of narrowing the candidate list, depending on what drive(s) is. It may be:

- A positive decimal number, assumed to be a 1-based index into the candidate list. The candidate list is trimmed to just that device.

- One of the following keywords: internal, external, usb, firewire, atapi, scsi. The candidate list is trimmed to devices which match the specified location / bus. Case is ignored in this comparison.

- Any other string, assumed to be a vendor/product name. The candidate list is trimmed to devices whose vendor or product strings exactly match the argument. Case (but not white-space) is ignored in this comparison.

Multiple -drive arguments may be specified; each argument narrows the candidate list further. After all the -drive arguments have been processed, the candidate list is considered. If it contains exactly one item, that drive is used. If it contains zero items, drutil prints an error message and exits. If it contains more than one item, the selected function is executed on all drives remaining in the list.

drutil uses the DiscRecording framework to interact with attached burning devices.


Display help for the verb "status".
$ drutil help status

Display a list of attached devices.
$ drutil list

Display miscellaneous information for all attached devices.
$ drutil info

Display media-specific information for all attached devices.
$ drutil status

Burn the Documents directory to the internal drive without verifying, then eject the disc:
$ drutil -drive internal burn -noverify -eject -speed 24 ~/Documents

Create an XML file containing info about internal drives:
$ drutil -drive internal info -xml > driveInfo.xml

Close the tray of the first burning device seen, if possible.
$ drutil -drive 1 tray close

List drive specific information for all externally connected burning devices:
$ drutil -drive external info

Lists media specific information for media present in attached firewire burning devices:
$ drutil -drive firewire status

Open the tray of all burning devices whose vendor id is VENDOR, if possible:
$ drutil -drive VENDOR tray open

List supported features and profiles for attached devices whose product id is 'CD-RW CDW827ES'
$ drutil -drive 'CD-RW CDW827ES' getconfig supported

“Time is the fire in which we burn” - Gene Roddenberry


drutil man page - Apple.com
diskutil - Disk utilities - Format, Verify, Repair

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